Chapter 11: Quidditch Tryouts

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I woke up early the next morning and got changed into my quidditch uniform quickly, pinning my badge to my chest and grabbing my Nimbus two thousand and one.

By the time I had gotten the required equipment and reached the quidditch pitch a few people had shown up, including Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.

"You? You're the new captain?" Malfoy asked in surprise.

"You got a problem with that?" I asked him.

"I thought it was going to be Bletchley." Malfoy said simply.

"Well it's not. Alright everyone up in the air, warm up will you still have time." I told them.  Over the next half hour the rest of the people trying out showed up.

Tryouts were fairly easy, I had each position tryout together before making my final choices. I kept the one of the chasers from last year as he were the best, and a new fourth year who was fast and good at getting the quaffle, but not great at scoring.

As for the keeper I kept Bletchley, although he looked like he wanted to murder me. I assumed it was because I'd been named captain over him.

As for the beaters I ended up choosing Crabbe and Goyle. What they lacked in brains they made up for in sheer size and brute strength, although I would have a hell of a time trying to teach them any sort of strategy.

"Alright Malfoy you're seeker again." I said as the last second year tried, and failed miserably, to dodge a bludger came rocketing to the ground.

"Ughhh" the second year let out a groan of pain with a clearly broken arm.

"Oh walk it off. You!" I said pointing to another second year. "Take him to the hospital wing if he's going to keep whining like that."

Malfoy looked entirely surprised by this, it was clear he thought I was going to cut him, perhaps as revenge or maybe out of spite.

"Look I don't particularly like you Malfoy, you're a slimy git." I told him truthfully. "But you're a damn good seeker, so you better keep flying like this. Alright the rest of you can clear off now." I told the rest of the crowd.

"Alright team." I said as the others had left. "I'm pretty sure none of you like me that much-"

"I think you're pretty cool." The new chaser said.

"Well I appreciate that...look I don't exactly know your name. Anyway I'm sure the rest of you don't like me that much, but I'm the captain of this team so we do things my way!"

"So we'll be playing a clean game then? Just the way you want it?" Bletchley asked sourly.

"Well I wouldn't say that exactly... you didn't hear this from me, but the Gryffindor team is practicing later today. It might be...beneficial to check it out." I said slyly. "Alright Malfoy I want to talk to you before you go, the rest of you can leave."

"What do you want Weasley?" Malfoy asked me once the other ms had left.

"First it's Riddle." I told him. "And second I want you to coach Crabbe and Goyle. The two of them can fly alright and they're strong, but they're dumber than a sack of bricks. I need you to drill strategies through their thick skulls Malfoy. Or else it'll be your spot on the line. Do you understand me."

Malfoy nodded gritting his teeth slightly.

"I asked if you understand." I said again.

"Yes." Malfoy said bitterly.

"Alright then get out of here."


"Morning," Harry said brightly to Ron, Hermione, and me joining us at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall.

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