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 A small figure streaked down the green and vibrant slope, kicking along a soccer ball in between their legs, dodging and manoeuvring past the various defenders of the opposite team with ease. They couldn't have been older than around 10, but their talent and skills clearly showed the fruits of many years' worth of training.

Moving with unparalleled speed, the (H/C) individual sidestepped and tapped the ball beyond their opponents, determination blazing in their eyes. Though they tried to deny it, their ego was getting the better of them, the little voice in their head telling them to prove to the world why they were the team's striker, why they were the best.

The game was currently tied at 2-2, but young (Y/N) wasn't ready to give up just yet. With nearly 75 of their precious 90 minutes squandered, they were determined to be the one that scored, to be the one in the spotlight.

Although they'd scored a million times before in a million different matches, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel there was something off about today... something that they couldn't quite place.

Throughout the game, they'd been feeling a strange, sometimes even painful tug in their chest. At the start, they'd summed it up to mere pre-match nerves and they were confident that it'd wear off as they continued to play, but it seemed this wasn't the case. With every passing second, it seemed the lump in their lungs was growing heavier and it was getting difficult to breathe.

Instead of asking for a substitution or passing the ball to get a moment's rest, they decided to push even harder, desperately trying to dash towards the goal while maintaining firm ball control. They could feel their opponents trying to stop them and the shakiness in their knees, but they couldn't give up, not now, not now that they were so close to the goal!

However, this newfound determination was no match for the pain now rising in (Y/N)'s chest. Every breath felt like icy skewers were being poked into their lungs and every step caused a ripple of pain to spring up their legs.

They fumbled with the ball, their cleats catching on the grass momentarily as they struggled to stay balanced, ignoring the calls of their teammates. Whether they wanted to admit it or not, (Y/N) could feel their consciousness slipping away in drips.

No... They thought, tiredness and hurt lancing to every corner of their body, I'm so close to the goal... I can't stop now! All soccer training forgotten, they were now just fighting tooth and nail to stay afoot, fighting a losing battle to get themselves past the goalie.

A whirlpool of emotions forced themselves into (Y/N)'s head, ranging from confusion (what is happening to my body?!) to straight up panic. They hadn't panicked in a soccer game for quite some time and the feeling wasn't welcome, especially not at that moment.

Another emotion flooded them too: fear. They were scared, scared at what would happen, scared at their coach's potential anger if they didn't score right now. No, they couldn't think of those things right now, well it was sort of hard to with the discomfort blooming in their chest cavity.

Finally, only a couple meters away from their scoring area, the pain caught up to them at last, causing them to cough and clutch at their chest in agony. As spots danced in and out of their vision, they wound up their leg in a ditch attempt to score, only to wobble and collapse onto the field.

(Y/N) heard gasps and screams, half their face buried in the lush (but probably artificial) soccer field, their vision growing dark as an indiscernible ringing filled their ears, blocking out all sound.

Face sodden with sweat, they let their raggedly breathing slow down slightly, protesting against the lightheaded waves of unconsciousness washing over them. At last, they stopped fighting and resigned themselves to some well deserved rest.

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