greetings from rai!

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hi guys wassup its me ur best friend: the author (/j) >:)


just wanted to say some quick words before the story progresses lol

been contemplating writing a fanfic for ages actually lol but i never had the guts bc im insecure with my writing but shhhh i didnt say that 😎

i ended up writing this bc i havent actually found any GN x bllk fanfictions so I decided to make my own! turns out this seems to be a common motivation for fanfiction writers lmao. I originally wanted to make a male reader x bllk (since most of my mcs in short stories n stuff r all guys) but i decided a nonbinary/gender neutral reader would be cooler since its more inclusive???

never really understood fem x bllk fanfics tbh i just find most of them kinda unrealistic (besides the manager ones) but im not saying there arent good ones i just cant insert myself into them cohesively yk?

that said, my plan is to have (Y/N) actually play soccer so I'm leaning towards a more masculine/athletic/male build mc but if yall have better ideas lmk here!

I hope im doing well for my first time writing smthn like this and just note that I'll probably make pronoun mistakes or other dumb shit so just drop a comment if u notice any inconsistencies and ill fix em


IMPORTANT: I highly recommend reading the manga bc i dont really like rewriting the entire plot (but theres always the chance i just give up on this lmfao)

yeah i also have no consistent schedule since im like motivation on and off (also its exam week and I started this now cus im an impulsive little shit)

also ill probably draw a cover for this (eventually) if it gets enough traction lol

ALSO IMPOTANT: I know nothing ab soccer, deadass. Im more of a basketball person tbh (knb fanfiction coming up???)

yeah yeah enjoy this story and pass me yalls ideas for plot ideas or character relationships

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