Chapter 10

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We are awoken the next morning by the sounds of Stacey and Kiara moving around and using the bathroom. I check the phone and see that it is eight o'clock. I roll over to straddle Callum and kiss his neck.

'Morning. We need to get up.' I say, trailing kisses along his jaw and chin. Callum groans and wraps his arms around my back.

'Not yet.' He grumbles. 'Let's have a repeat of last night.' I giggle and push away from his chest.

'Nope. Come on. You need to have breakfast and get showered and changed ready for this interview.' I tell him, climbing off him and out of bed. I chuck on an oversized hoody then nip to the bathroom before heading downstairs. Stacey is in the kitchen grilling bacon and scrambling eggs as she hums along to the radio, her hips swaying from side to side. Her curls are piled on top of her head, and she is wearing a fluffy pink dressing gown.

'Good morning.' I say from the doorway, and she spins round, a big grin on her face.

'Hi, love. Did you sleep ok?' she asks before turning back to the eggs.

'Yes thanks.' I reply, blushing slightly as I remember last night. 'How was your date?'

'It was lovely, thanks. He took me to this great restaurant, then we went to the pub down the road and pretty much didn't stop chatting all night.' She tells me happily.

'Do you want any help?' I ask.

'Thanks love. Do you mind taking the plates and cutlery to the table in the lounge?'

I do as she asks and a few minutes later Kiara and Callum come down the stairs to join us. We chat companionably over breakfast then Callum goes back upstairs to get ready. When he comes back down, he is dressed in a black suit, crisp white shirt and dark purple tie. His hair is slicked back. And he looks sexy as hell.

'I look like a twat.' he grumbles, tugging uncomfortably at the bottom of his jacket. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist.

'You should wear this on my birthday.' I whisper into his ear. Callum grins.


'Really!' I give him a long kiss and only pull away when his mum comes into the room.

'Come on then, let's go.' She says. Kiara and I wish him luck. Once they have gone, I jump in the shower and get ready. Kiara is already dressed and downstairs when I am done.

'Ok, so mum said if we get the bus to Clifton, that's where your campus will be, so we can have a look around there.' Kiara tells me, putting her purse, keys and phone in a shoulder bag. I grab my bag and follow her out of the house and down the street to the bus stop. The bus journey takes around fifteen minutes and then we follow google maps to the campus. We wander aimlessly between the buildings, and I feel excitement building up inside me. In a few month's time, I could be here, starting a new life. As we pass the Sports Centre, two male students come out dressed in gym wear, sports bags slung over their shoulders. On seeing Kiara and me, they exchange glances and head over.

'Hi. Haven't seen you around here before.' The taller one says, flashing us a a toothy grin.

'We're just looking around.' I explain. 'I might be coming here after the summer.'

'Yeah? Which course?' The other one asks, his eyes running over Kiara appreciatively.

'Medical Bioscience.' I reply.

'Yeah, me too. It's a great course.' The taller of the two says. 'Do you want us to show you around?'

'That would be amazing, thank you.' I gush. The two of them show us around the campus, pointing out the various buildings and telling funny anecdotes about things that had happened there. When we reach the first student accommodation block, the boys walk straight in and we follow them up the first flight of stairs and to a door at the end of the hallway. The shorter guy opens the door and they walk in to a room which is obviously theirs.

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