chapter 26

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The next morning, Eisen stepped down the stairs wearing his crafting outfit, his Backpack slung over his shoulders. Behind him, something that looked exactly the same as him when he was wearing his suit, the only difference being that he seemed as if someone pulled all color out of him. He also was wearing a backpack on his back that, like the rest of the colorless Eisen, was completely white. In its arms, it was carrying a wooden crate, filled with rolls of thread and fabric.

Everyone was eyeing the pair as Eisen walked up to the front desk to return his room key, and then went to the restaurant, sitting down at a corner table. Even the colorless Eisen sat down on one of the chairs, albeit far more clumsily than the real one.

It was then that the cheerful Bree walked up to the table to greet Eisen, her face just slightly twitching as she now looked at two of the same person. She stood there with her eyes narrowed down, looking back and forth between Eisen and his Double, as if deeply thinking about something. At last, she nodded her head and smiled, turning to the Double.

"Good morning Eisen! Want to eat the same as always~?" She asked, and Eisen couldn't help but laugh.

"Bree, you're talking to the wrong guy." He laughed and scratched his beard. Immediately, Bree froze, and slowy turned to the real Eisen.

"R-Right... So, the same as always..?" She stuttered out embarrassedly, and Eisen nodded with a smile on his face. "Yes, please. I'll explain to you what that guy over there is later." Eisen said and pointed over at his Double, that was sitting there with a blank face, the crate on its lap.

"Okay..." Bree turned around and hurried back to the kitchen. A few minutes later she came back with two plates, and after thinking about which Eisen to give it, she closed her eyes and gave it to a random one. Luckily, it was the real Eisen, who thanked Bree and began to eat.

"So, last night I was practicing Mana Manipulation. And I have the skill Mana Copy, which I used to copy my hands before to learn Mana Hands. This time around, I instead tried copying my whole body, and manipulated it, changing my Mana Hands skill into the Mana Double skill. And that over there is my Mana Double." Eisen explained, and then made his Double wave at Bree. She looked at the Double with wide eyes.

"Whooa! That's so cool!" Bree yelled out and looked at the Double, extending a hand to feel its skin. It may have looked completely like a person's, but it felt like smooth, cold glass.

"Yeah, I know. I thought, for now, that would help my problem with carrying all the stuff I need to. And I'm curious what other effects it's going to get once it ranks up, so I'm keeping it around for the day at least."

"Yeah! You have to show me how to get a double later!" The Fey-kin exclaimed happily and both of them continued to eat.

After finishing their breakfast, the two, or three including the Double, made their way out of the Inn and back to Jekyll's Hides to start their day of work.

When they stepped through the door, they only saw the scowling young man from the day before sitting at the counter again. He looked up and waved them toward the door to the back, signaling that they should just go through.

In the workshop, they saw Jekyll working on Armors again. He looked up, and immediately his ears slightly perked up. "What the... Oi, old man. Who's your friend?" Jekyll asked and pointed over at the Double.

Eisen laughed and shook his head. "Don't worry about it. He's a Mana Double I made of myself. He'll just be standing around all day, so don't pay too much attention to him."

"Got it..." Jekyll muttered and moved back toward the armor he was working on.

After sitting down at the table he would work on, Eisen made his double set down all the items he had onto the ground, then began having him do menial tasks, such as doing sit-ups and push-ups. While it didn't cost him any mana, he also didn't get any proficiency by having his double stand there and do nothing. Only through moving it around did some of his mana drain and his proficiency for the skill go up.

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