chapter 108

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Benjamin smiled as he heard the voice of the young man on the other side of the phone. "Hello Samuel, this is Benjamin Joyce. Long time no talk, huh?" He laughed and immediately heard some moving around and rushing from Samuel's side.

Over the few times they talked and met up for information about crafting, Samuel had grown quite impressed with Benjamin and as such was always happy to talk to him, dropping everything else when he got the chance.

"Benjamin! Yeah, it's been a really long time! How was your start into the game?" Samuel asked him excitedly, "You called your character 'Eisen', right? Ari told me you've been pretty productive already!"

"Haha, yeah, that's what I called myself. And you could say that, I managed to get a pretty interesting occupation and some nice titles. I'm actually a dragon's champion, I'll be looking for some of the other dragons soon." Benjamin chuckled, and Samuel silently listened.

"You... You're a champion already? How did you manage to do that?"

Benjamin laughed lowly and then began explaining the situation one by one. How he tried appraising that cat on his first day in the game and then later received a quest that needed him to get all his stats up to 100, as well as all the tests that he received from the Ancient Gold Dragon Aylrentyrth.

"You see, and now I'm one after another going to see if I can find the other dragons that Ailren told me about. The next one I'm looking for is in some magic city." Benjamin explained while Samuel curiously listened, simply thinking about the story that he just heard from this old man.

"Wow, that's all pretty insane. I figured you were going to become a champion sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to be this soon... But I doubt you'd call me just to tell me about that. Is everything going okay in the game other than what you told me?"

"Oh, everything is going perfectly in the game, don't worry! There are a few issues I have to deal with right now, but it's more on a personal level with an omega friend I made. His brothers are also playing, and they seem to be messing around a bit. But as long as they aren't doing anything horrible, I'll just let them be." After Benjamin explained this, Samuel sighed loudly as he understood what he was talking about.

From Around the Web

"You must mean the CryTec kids, then? I heard about that little 'contest' from the CEO, so I told Ari to keep an eye on them and see what's going on. Really though, none of them is acting normally. One of them was a scammer, but not anymore since he's with you now. Another one bought out all the food of hole towns, causing a crisis. And the last one is going around acting like he's the king of the world. He's not causing much trouble so far, but he seems to be up to something. I would actually really appreciate it if you could take a look at what the latter two are up to. If you can resolve something, I'll really owe you one." Samuel carefully explained, hiding his complaints behind the request he just gave to Benjamin, who simply laughed in response. "Sure, I'll see what I can do. I will have a lot less time to play for a while, though, so my main focus will really be crafting. But since you mentioned that you will owe me one, I would like you to think about a favor you can do me in return. My son is an excellent computer scientist, and this is not just me saying that because he's my child. It seems like the company he is working for isn't doing so great, so I would like to see if there is any way you could consider him for a job." Ruthlessly, Benjamin asked for this favor, and Samuel stayed silent for a while before sighing loudly.

"I would love to do that, but I can't just hire someone like that without knowing the extent of his qualification, despite my position."

"Of course I'm not asking you to simply hire him instantly, but maybe give him the chance for an interview or an internship to start it out with so you can see how skilled he is. He does have some experience when it comes to making games as well, that's how he made some money throughout college. And one of them was actually quite popular at the time, it was called 'Minion'."

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