At my house part 2 (m.m)

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The next morning, you woke up to find Mikey still sound asleep next to you. You watched her for a moment, admiring the way her face looked peaceful in repose. You had never felt this way about anyone before.

As you slipped out of bed and headed to the kitchen to make some coffee, you wondered what the future held for the two of you. Would you get together again? Would you start dating?

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps behind you. You turned to find Mikey standing in the doorway, her hair tousled and her eyes still sleepy.

"Good morning," you said, grinning at her.

"Morning," she replied, walking over to where you were brewing the coffee. "Smells good."

The two of you sat at the kitchen table with your mugs of coffee, talking and laughing like old friends. It was easy and comfortable, and you felt like you had known each other forever.

As the morning wore on, you found yourself wanting to spend more time with Mikey. You suggested going for a walk in the park, and she agreed.

The sun was shining, and the birds were chirping as the two of you strolled through the park. You talked about everything and nothing, lost in each other's company.

Suddenly, Mikey stopped and turned to face you. "Can I ask you something?" she said, her voice soft.

"Of course," you replied, feeling a flutter of nerves in your stomach.

She took a deep breath. "Last night was amazing," she said. "I know we've been friends for a while, but I feel like we have something more now. I don't want to mess it up, but I also don't want to pretend like it didn't happen. What do you think?"

You smiled at her, feeling relieved that she had brought it up. "I feel the same way," you said, taking her hand in yours. "I don't know what the future holds, but I want to see where this goes."

Mikey grinned back at you, her eyes sparkling. "Me too."

As the two of you walked hand in hand through the park, you felt like everything was falling into place. You didn't know what the future held, but you knew that you were excited to find out.

Tara carpenter and Mikey Madison imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now