Las Nevadas Casino (p2)

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Q continued teasing Will, softly licking his slit with the tip of his tongue. He could taste salty precum through his shorts already. "So needy." Q mumbled. He stopped licking Wilbur's tip, sitting up and positioning Wilbur slightly ontop of him as he layed down.

"Take them off with your teeth."


"I said take them off with your fucking teeth, slut." Q says, grabbing a fistful of Wilbur's hair making the taller man whimper. Q propped himself up with his left elbow continuing his grip with the other hand in the brunettes curls. Will's hot breath on quackitys lower stomach turned him on even more. His teeth grazed Q's skin as he bit onto the waistband, looking up at quackity and holding eye contact as he pulled his boxers down, making his dick spring out. "I'm not going to prep you. were using spit"

"Don't you have a bottle of lubricant-"

"I didn't say you could talk, did I? Were using spit. Now start sucking or its going to be hell for you."

Leaving small kisses and tiny licks around Q's base, he grows impatient. Quackity uses his free hand, roughly grabbing Will by the jaw making him suddenly moan, holding him face to face with him. "I said suck." he growled. Fisting his calloused hands into the brunettes curly, sensitive hair, pulling on it to tease him. Wilbur stuck his tongue out, licking from the base of his shaft to the top, licking every drop of precum before enclosing his dick in the brunettes mouth. Quackitys hips bucked with each swirl he felt of the brunettes tongue. Tightening the grip in Wilbur's curls. The tug sent a vibration through Q's cock, as the brunette relentlessly whimpered. Q's wings shivered from pleasure, spreading like lightning throughout his body. His hips continuing to buck upward, causing Will to groan louder as Q started slowly pushing his head. Breathlessly, "that's enough. I don't wanna lube you too much." Q said sitting up.

"If you don't it'll fucking hurt!" Q grabbed Wilbur by his neck forcing their faces an inch apart. "Good. I want you to feel every fucking part of me ramming into you relentlessly, do you understand?" Wilbur grabbed Q by his throat, roughly kissing his mouth. Q moaned into the kiss as the brunette bit everything he could access. Roughly biting on his jawline and traveling bruises and dark hickeys to his neck. Q's eyes rolled back in his head, letting the most erotic sounds fill Wilbur's ear. Quackitys wings shivered more intensely as he wrapped his legs around the brunette's waist, tangling both of his hands in his curly hair. "fuck..will- please, please ff-ff.. a~hh.."

Wilbur quickly stopped, sitting up on his knees, rushing to undo his belt and take off his shorts. Quackity layed there, observing every beautiful scar on his chest, every hair on his short beard, the way he smelled, his smile. Q sat up as soon as he threw his shorts across the room, shifting forwards towards Will, putting his hand on the massive boner in his boxers. He wanted to kiss Wilbur so bad. But he knew Will secretly likes teasing. Wilbur sat back, whimpering as Q rubbed him through his boxers slowly. Their tops lips barely touching one another, everytime Wilbur tried locking lips, quackity would deny. The brunette's whimpers got more needy, eager, almost begging. "Such a good boy. So submissive for me." Q mumbled.

He pushed onto Will's chest making him lay down. Standing up to rip off his white button up shirt, as Wilbur watched every move he made. A drop of sweat trickled down Q's forehead as he pulled Wilbur face to face with him by his throat. "You don't release until I tell you too."

He lines up at Wilbur's entrance, spitting on his member before ramming into the brunette below him. Wilbur arching his back, trying to get as much of Q in him as possible. Quackity sounded out the erotic grunts below him, thrusting in and out of him, making sure Will felt every part of him pleasuring him relentlessly. Wilbur reached his hands over his face, gripping his curly hair, making him yell out more. He started begging for more of him. More of Q. "You're such a- little slut for me... gold." Q dug his nails into Wills thighs, pulling him closer to his body. Will wrapped his legs around the Duckling for more contact. "Please- sir, more" He cried out. "Beg." "Please-, harder- Im yours..". "Good boy.."

Will dug his nails into Q's back, making the ducklings eyes roll into his head. Wilbur was panting, moaning, his tongue was loose as he felt waves like lighting flow up his body making him quiver. Quackity dug his head into the crevice of Will's neck, biting down and grunting into his neck. Distracted, Will sneakily moved his right hand off the Ducklings wings, and snaking his hand swiftly down to his dick, slightly touching his tip to add pleasure. He winced a sighful moan, biting down on his lower lip so hard it could bleed. He nipped at Q's earlobe, licking down his neck and up to his lips. Their teeth clashed, their mouths fought for dominance. Q sat up straight continuing to ram into the brunette below him, admiring what a mess he was. His mouth was open with his tongue out, teasing himself, reaching hid hand onto Q's chest, scratching it with his nails, throwing his head back as he hit his spot. "Fuck!- baby.. right- right- there.." Moaning inbetween words, stuttering as his thoughts and words became scrambled.


Q continued slamming harder into his spot as his grip on the brunettes neck tightened. "You... are mine, g-gold." "I-I can be whatever the fuck you want- me to be.." 
"Sir- cum, I-I need-" Begging for Quackitys permission to release.
"Come on.. you know you have to beg- s-slut.."
"Please- please sir I can't- I-I... need- i need to-! I want- I need.." His brain was dust, his entire body was limp, he could barely get a full sentence out.
"Are- Are you feeling overstimulated darling-" Wilbur nodded slowly, feeling his member heat up. He sped up, jerking himself off to release faster.
"Will..." Quackitys breath hitched as he hyperventilated, riding his high before pulling out suddenly. Quackity moaned in a shock as Wilbur moved quickly to get it all in his mouth, swallowing it, and wrapping his warms lips around his tip to get the rest. He dug his nails into Q's thighs leaving more red scratch marks as he tilted his head up to kiss him.

They pulled apart and Wilbur looked Q in the eyes, appearing lustfully exhausted. "You did so good, darling." as Q took his thumb and wiped the brunettes bottom lip and corners of his mouth. As soon as he removed his thumb, will fastly reconnected their lips. Motioning for them to lay down, will layed his head right next to the ducklings neck, softly kissing eachother and snuggling their faces closely together cuddling. "Baby.. I'm sleepy...."

Q didn't reply, so he tilted his head back out of the crevice of the ducklings neck, to find him soundly asleep. The brunette smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek, cuddling up to him and wrapping them in multiple blankets off the couch, drifting off.

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