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"Mommy, where are we going?" I asked mommy. She looked back at me.
"Somewhere fun, sweetie. " she smiled.

"Ouu! Can we play with the horses at the carnival again!? " I asked, bouncing in my seat.

I remember when we went to this fun place, they had horses you could ride on, games you could play for cute stuffed animals, and more. Mommy and daddy called it "carnival".

Mommy giggled. "This place will be much better. They'll have Mickie Mouse, and Cinderella. Oh and you can sleep in Cinderella's castle..." she trailed on.

"Yay!" I bounced around, thinking about seeing Cinderella for the first time in my whole life.

Daddy laughed. "Ok Bells. You don't want to hurt yourself now." He said. "Daddy, when will we get there?" I asked.

"In 6 or so hours." he answered. I immediately crossed my arms over my chest and pouted at his answer.

How can it be so far away? What if I want to see Cinderella some other day? Then mommy and daddy would have to drive for another 6 hours just for me.

And they probably wouldn't do that.

I knew this would be my only time meeting Cinderella and Mickie and those guys, so I had to make it last while I could.

"Sweetheart, you alright back there?" mommy asked, turning in her seat to look at me.

I nodded, trying my best to make a nice smile. "What's wrong sweetie?" she asked, not believing my smile.

I sighed, leaning back in my seat with my head down. She would think I'm a big baby if I told her.

Suddenly, I felt the seat next to me move, then warm arms wrapped around me.

"Sweetheart, you can tell me anything. Whats wrong?" Mommy asked. I lifted my head up to see that she was there, looking at me with concerned blueish eyes.

Mommy said she had hazel eyes, but they looked blueish to me.

"I-I why does Cinderella's fun place have to be so far away? I wanna be with her all the time but it's so far.." I sniffled.

"Oh sweetie." Mommy sighed and hugged me. "I promise we'll go as many times as we can." she whispered in my ear. I nodded.

"I'm such a big crybaby, mommy. I bet you get tired of me sometimes." I mumbled.

I was a crybaby. I cried over the stupidest things sometimes. I knew that mommy and daddy didn't have that much money, so we can't go all the time.

I just wished it was closer. I love Cinderella a lot. One day, I want to leave my glass slipper on the step and have the prince of my dreams track me down so he can marry me.

But mommy says I have to wait for my dreams. I'm only five, so for right now, I should focus on being a kid.

"oh sweetheart, I don't get tired of you. Your emotional, you get it from me." mommy said, making me focus back to her with confusion.

"what does emetianial mean? " I said trying to pronounce the word as best as I could. Mommy laughed at me.

"Emotional, sweetie. It means that the simplest things can make you cry. Sometimes tears of joy and other times tears of sad." she explained.

"Oh. Then that's totally me." I said, pointing both thumbs at me. Mommy laughed and hugged me again before climbing back into the front seat.

Soon I felt sleep taking over and I laid down acrossed the seats, slowly falling asleep...

*Bella's Dream*

"Cinderella!!" I screamed, running out the car and to her. She turned around and lifted me up, smiling.

"Well hello there, sweetie pie. What's your name? "she asked. Her voice was so light and squeaky and it made me laugh.

"I'm Bella." I said. "Well then, Bella, are you ready to become a princess?" she asked.

"Yes! Yes!" I giggled, bouncing in her arms. I admired her pretty blue dress, it was just as I remembered on her movie. I wanted one just like it. It was so pretty.

"ok, come with me little one. You have a lot to learn before..." she dragged. Suddenly, her face turned to a look of horror as she stared at something behind me.

"Cinderella, what's wrong?" I asked, turning in her stiff arms to look. It was Mickie Mouse...but he didn't look to good.

He had a terrible face, it was bloody and scary as he smiled at me and Cinderella. He had a axe that had blood stained on it.

Cinderella dropped me and ran, screaming. I hit the ground really hard. My head hurt.

Suddenly, there was screaming everywhere, smoke, and loud noises. I got up and ran away from Mickie, looking for my mommy and daddy. I was scared.

I had found them...but they were dead. They had blood everywhere and they were pilled up on each other.

I dropped to my knees, crying as I laid on top of them, hugging their cold bodies. Suddenly, a laugh came from behind me.

I turned around, and Mickie was standing there. "Bellaaa." He laughed.

"Nooooo!!" I screamed...

*End of Bella's Dream*

"Ahhh!! Nooo!" I screamed, sitting up in my seat. "Bella!?" Daddy shouted. "Bell what's wrong!?" mommy asked over daddy.

"oh my god Charlie watch out!!" mommy suddenly yelled. The car went swerving and then we smashed into something hard, making me hit my head on the seat.

Glass flew in my face but I couldn't lift my hand to block it. In seconds, I was upside down in the car.

I saw smoke, but my vision was blurry. I had pain in my head, and red blood was pouring from my forehead.

My arm was stuck in the door, it felt like it was smashed in on my arm. I was in miserable pain, it hurt badly.

"mommy." I coughed. "daddy." I looked over at the drivers side to see that daddy's head was covered in blood.

"daddy." I tried to scream, but I couldn't. Instead it came out as a whisper. I looked over to mommy's passenger seat, but she wasn't there.

I looked back up, and mommy was stuck in the windshield of the car. She was crushed.

"mommy." I tried to scream again. They weren't moving... Why weren't they moving!?

"Mommy. Daddy." I said again, crying. I felt weak. My arm hurt, and my forehead throbbed with blood. I felt sick with the smell of blood in the air.

I blinked a few times, but the blinks became heavier. I heard noises outside, people shouting, and something else.

"Mommy. Daddy." I mouthed their names now. Tears flooded over, and when I blinked again, I couldn't open my eyes anymore. The pain was finally gone...


(1133 words)

Feel free to check out my other books:

My Revenge On Edward.

Twisted Twilight: A Different Bella.

Twilight Saga: Rising Sun.

Fifty Shades Of Pink.

And tell me what you think of them! All comments and votes are welcome. And remember:

Treat others the way you want to be treated. Never doubt your dreams. Your beautiful. I love you.


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