Spa Night

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"Stop movin nigga", you squeal as Jay continues to move around while you're applying his mud mask.

It's been a minute since you two could enjoy some time together just doing self care and having a fun and relaxing night in. He's been doing shows back to back with dd and of course it's fun and you couldn't be more proud of Jay, but you miss having him to yourself.

"Bro why you takin so long", he says.

Usually he's more patient but his favorite part of the song is coming up and he feels the need to go all out rapping "his part" everyyy time. You roll your eyes and let him do his little performance in the bathroom mirror because it's kind of cute even though he's so extra with it.

"Alright, alrighttt let's chill out now", you laugh as the song comes to an end so you can finish up painting his face with the mask.

He stands still and let's you finish applying his mask so he can do yours after you finish.

"You done?", he asks eagerly because he loves being childish and painting a mustache on you before applying the whole mask.

"Yeah now don't touch your face istg", you say while putting on the last little bit.

"Alright what kinda cut you want today lil man", he says tryna be funny.

"You givin me a whole haircut now???", you ask concerned because you're used to just getting a lil mustache and that's it.

He busts out laughing showing off his dimples, "Don't worry imma hook you up lil nigga, trust".

"Quit playin." You say while giving him a look.

He starts out painting out a hairline and side burns, then he moves down to the mustache like usual but today he switched it up even more and decided to add a whole goatee. The whole time he's painting you can tell you look ridiculous by the way he's giggling and trying his absolute hardest to not die laughing.

"Yuhhh I did that", he turns you toward the mirror so you can see his "masterpiece" and you can't help but bust out laughing at how insane he has you looking.

"What is thisss", you say while dying laughing.

"Bro whatchu mean that's gangsta", he's beyond proud of his work but cracks and he ends up laughing too. "Aight lemme put it on right come here".

He finishes up your mask and tops it off with a kiss and you end up tasting a little bit of the mask but you don't mind because it's not that bad.

While you two wait for your masks to dry you decide to oil each others scalps because it's been a hot minute. You choose to do his first so you sit on the side of the bathtub while he sits on the fuzzy rug below you.

"Can you massage my head while you do it?", he asks.

"Don't worry I always do", you say as you carefully apply castor oil in between his parts and massage it in.

Nights like this are nice, being with one another, taking care of one another and being able to do it all in a way that's fun, listening to music and dancing while singing along to the lyrics. Even if you guys aren't listening to music and playing around it's nice to talk one on one and be of service and comfort to one another.

After oiling his scalp you switch spots and you're the one sitting on the floor this time. You recently styled your natural hair into boho braids with his help so it's easy for him to apply the oil since your hair is already parted.

"Mmm you needa be a masseuse or something at this point", you say as you enjoy your head massage, which makes you immediately want to take that whole statement back, "actually nah you don't need to be touchin nobody else..".

You both laugh and get up to wash off your face masks. After washing your hands you both wash your masks off but this dumbass decides to splash you with water immediately after you dried your face.

"Justinnnn oh my god bruh you're so irritating", you say clearly annoyed.

"I'm sorryyy", he says with a grin on his face.

You give him a side eye before drying your face again and brushing your teeth. After brushing your teeth you put on whitening strips and he decides he wants some too because it "feels like he's wearing grills".

The only reason you even give him some is because the lisp he gets while wearing them kills you every time you hear it.

*30 minutes later*

After 30 minutes you remove them and you both cuddle up in bed ready to watch shameless before falling asleep early for the first time in a while since you've both been so busy.

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