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When I got to Stefan's Bonnie's car was there so I got out of my car and walked into the house and said Stefan Bonnie anyone here and than walked into the living room to see ELENA? I said "Elena!?" "Aw I thought you would recognize the person who turned you" "Katherine" I said with an eye roll "wait Elena said she killed you" Bonnie said and Katherine said "Bonnie-boo she lied to you and I only came back cuz there's nothing to do and she plopped down on the couch "well she not wrong" Stefan said as he walked into the room "true" I said "I'll hang out with here I mean my life is easier now that I'm a vamp so I guess I owe it to her" I sat down next to her and said "Bonnie you in" "fine just cuz you guys are right" and she sat down next to me

"Quick question what happened to my doppelganger anyway" she asked "oh don't you mean your doppel-bitch" I said "well she ran off with Damon leaving her best friends here are without even telling us" "wow you got a mouth I can see why the original hybrid liked you" my heart skipped a beat "you talked to Klaus" I asked "no but from what I've heard around town and from steffy here he had a thing for you" she said with a smirk "so where's you little boy toy" "huh you mean Tyler oh in the mountains with his so called mate" I said "he broke up with you" she said with a look of disbelief *Yea over the phone too" "wow thats low" she said with a frown "well I'm going to the grill wanna come" I said "sure" she said "Bonnie you coming" I asked she said "nah I think I'll stay here with stef I'll come next time" I smiled and said "ok"

We got into my car and she said "is Matty still here" "no he and jer went and started there own bar somewhere" I said she said "aw I liked him he was sweet" "Yea I miss him" I said as we pulled into the mystic grill parking lot

We walked into the grill and sat down she got a large chocolate milkshake and curly fries I got a vanilla milkshake and fries

"so what's been going on in mystic falls since everyone left" she asked as she sipped her milkshake "nothing" I said and bit into a french fry "everythings been really boring" "did you girls graduate yet" she asked "from college Yea I just go cuz there's nothing to do so" I answered
*Than we should go on a road trip I think it'd be fun" she suggested I said "we would have to ask Bonnie and stef but I'll go where did you have in mind" she thought about it for a moment than said "how about Hollywood where do you wanna go" I thought about where I wanted to go and for some reason I said "new Orleans"  "that's what I was thinking to I just didn't know if you wanted to" she said "well let's go tells steffy and bon bon" I smiled and nodded and thought am I becoming friends with Katherine if I was I was liking it

She drove this time still sipping on milkshakes we talked about the originals and boys

"You know what I told Tyler when he broke up me I told him I slept with Klaus and I didnt but you know hayley he admitted to sleeping with that were-slut" I said with a laugh "ooh your just bad and you do have mouth" "well I think I still like Klaus just I'm pretty sure he moved on anyway so" I said she looked at me and said "your not the only one who likes an original who probably moved on I still love Elijah after all this time" "I don't think he moved on if he did he's on idiot" I said "your awesome which is surprising me" she smiled and said "well sure I've had my bad days but I'm still a good friend" I smiled and said "I don't even know where they event after leaving here so its not like I'm ever gonna see him again" she said "if he loves you and you love him you'll find each other"

We pulled into the driveway and when inside after throwing away our empty milkshake cups

"Me and care have an idea and she already agreed it would be fun so now its up to you" Kat said and than explained the road trip to new Orleans 

Stefan said "I guess that'd be fun bon what do you think" "I like it I want to get away from all the memories here anyway" she answered and me and Kat smiled and said "ok than I guess we're going on a road trip to new orleans" Bonnie said "Yea we are care we're getting out of this place finally" "oh my god we really are" I said and than Bonnie said "I can't believe I'm saying this but thanks Kat that's your new nickname ok" she said "ok I like it so when are we leaving this boring as hell town" as soon as possible that's what I say I said with smile I can't believe we're going to new Orleans its so exciting Bonnie said with a huge smile on her face Stefan said "oh my god she's smiling for real it's not one of her half smiles I haven't seen you smile like that since Elena left" she said "haha very funny I'm going home to pack" than she left Stefan said "I'll be upstairs packing" and he went upstairs Kat said "well I need to go to my hotel and pack so I'm out" and she left and I was the only one there and soon I left

I was going to leave and never look back

meant to be (klaroline,kennett,kaijah,stebekah story)Where stories live. Discover now