sleepover talks

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It's like 3:30 am right now so sorry its late and I'm updating now

As Caroline came back in the room she smiled at me and said "want some" and handed me the popcorn bowl in her hands I said "sure" and ate some as Bonnie pressed play

about 20 minutes into the movie half the bowl of popcorn was gone and Kelly was sending up pizza's for us and we were all really into the romance of the movie

Time skip to the end of the movie

I was in tears as were the other girls bon said "it's just so sad that she lost her memory of their life together it's just so so sad" I passed her the tissues I realized were there I said "I can't believe they died holding each other either that was the saddest part" and grabbed a tissue care said "no the saddest part was when she forgot all over again that was the saddest part" and Katherine said "the whole entire movie was sad ok" as she was wiping her tears off I said "are you crying" "you never cry ever" Caroline added and Katherine said "Yea ok I'm crying ok its a sad movie" "aww its ok Kat" Bonnie said as she moved to hug her Katherine hugged back than dragged Caroline into the hug who then dragged me into it I hugged them all and felt my heart swell up and Caroline said "your nickname is now bekah or bek's got it" I smiled and said "ok care"

She smiled and said "ok let's do something now" and she dragged the rest of us to the couch that was there and said "wanna talk about boys since stef left when we started the notebook"

i smiled and said "you really wanna talk boys right now care I mean..." "Klaus has a baby with hayley now" Kat added with a sad smile "that likes lijah on top of it" I added to that care had a sad smile and said "well as much as I'm hurt I'll get over it like I always do" and bon said "if it helps I got the vodka so" "also if it helps you anyway possible he went off on hayley for hurting you like that he was gonna tell you himself" I added careful to not hurt her feelings "he did" Kat asked I said "Yea when I got her text he had her against a wall with lijah trying to pry him off her and of course he made me help" care smiled and said "well I left because I was hurt so oh well although I would've wanted to see that and she's lucky I care about Klaus otherwise I would have snapped her neck then and there so"

"you care about my brother" i asked with a smile she blushed and said "Yea I can't help it he's always so sweet to me and it doesn't help that he's cute" bon said "bek's do you know if kol remembers anything about the other side before he came back" as she took a bite of her pepperoni pizza and Kat said "she likes kol since when she died saving Jeremy he was the only other person she talked to besides the other witch's and Jeremy" she explained to me I said "oh yes he talks about you all the time didn't he see you when you were at the house" "no he was too busy playing his phone" she answered 

care said "I didn't even see kol at all while we were there" Kat said "we weren't there long due to hayley" "yea I know but I wasn't gonna listen to Klaus talk about her so" care said I said "ok well let's talk about something else"

Bon said "gladly anyone wanna watch twilight" I said "what's twilight" and care smiled and said "you'll see come on" and we all sat back on the floor and she grabbed the remote and pushed a movie and than started the movie 

Time skip to the scene where Edward tells Bella about him

"Oh come on vampires don't sparkle" I said to the movie Kat said "I know right they got it all wrong" bon said "he's showing off if he wanted to kill her why doesn't he" "he doesn't have to show her how fast or how strong he is" care added "they have us all wrong" Kat complained "and really they can only drink from the vain or animals haven't they ever heard of blood bags" care scoffed at the ridiculous movie

Time skip to the end of the movie (p.s. I love twilight even I know that this would happen so)

"That was so stupid why would you make me watch that" I asked care "I mean sure it's a good movie but it has us all wrong" I added and she said "sorry I know it has us all wrong but I really like it so" bon said "me too but even I have to admit the only reason me and care watch it anymore is to rant about how wrong it really is so" "it makes m feel better when I'm sad" care added with a shrug  Kat said "I'm tired anyone else wants go to bed" "sure" bon said and added "I'm tired too so" "hey another thing they got wrong we can too sleep" care said with a laugh and then yawned she walked off to put her pj's on and so did me bon and Kat

As soon as we had them on we started to make beds to sleep in bon and Kat made a spot to sleep and me and care did and than we all layed down and fell asleep

meant to be (klaroline,kennett,kaijah,stebekah story)Where stories live. Discover now