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Song of the chapter: Medicine by Daughter (Sound Remedy Remix)

Noiz's POV

I was going to kill Virus and Trip.

Those two thought that they could mess her and get away with it. I was going to rip out their internal organs and then shove them- My thoughts were interrupted when a nurse walked into the family waiting room, signaling that I could finally see her. I was in the hospital and had been since I heard what happened.

From what I heard, Clear happened to be nearby and managed to carry her all the way to the hospital. She had been barely conscious but was able to inform Clear of how Morphine was trying to take over Venom and that they left her to die in a cold, dark alley. Aoba had been the one to call me and I had immediately left what I was doing and ran to the hospital as fast as I could.

Eventually, everyone showed up and some of them weren't dealing with it so well. Amu was hysterical along with Clear, Koujaku held his head in his hands, Aoba was trying to convince everyone that she was fine, Mink was staring intently at the wall, and I was just sitting there; already mourning for her.

The nurse lead me through a very long corridor full of other nurses, doctors, and patients. She stopped at a closed door and slowly opened it. "If you need anything, just ask." She said solemnly.

I took a seat in the chair next to her bed. She looked terrible. She was pale and had been hooked up to multiple machines; some that monitored her vital signs and some that held mysterious liquids. I definitely was going to kill Virus and Trip for what they did to her. I sighed. Now wasn't the time for thoughts like that. I should just be happy that she is alive.

"(Y/n)." I whispered. Her eyes fluttered open. "N-Noiz?" She asked, frantically. "Yes?" I answered. "A-Am I alive?" There was a few moments of silence. "What kind of question is that?" She opened her mouth to answer, but I cut her off, "You expect me to let you die? The one person that I've ever felt about this way..." She gasped. "Noiz, I didn't know you felt this way; that you felt anything for me at all." A small smile played across her lips. "Yeah, and because I care about you, when we get home I'm going to-" I stopped when I saw Aoba and the others in the doorway. "(Y/n)-chan! You're okay!" Amu ran up to her and immediately began chatting away about pretty much everything other than the fact (y/n) had been stabbed and almost died.

When visiting hours ended, we all reluctantly headed home. I was tired and didn't want to do anything but sleep. I opened my apartment door and to my surprise, Usagimodoki was going through the process of locking down my computers which is part of the procedure I had programmed in case of intruders or thieves. I opened the door to my room and I couldn't believe who was standing in the middle of my room. Virus and Trip. "What do you want?" I asked

"We want Venom to be incorporated into Morphine." Virus said. "It will give us even more control of this area." They said it like they were totally innocent; like they didn't try to kill her. Even though I wanted to, I couldn't deal with these two right now. "Leave. She obviously doesn't want to give Venom to you." I said. "We'll be back." Virus proclaimed. "Hopefully, you'll be more cooperative then. Ta ta."

I locked all my doors and windows after they left. You can never be too careful. I wanted to sleep, but I still had work to do. I pulled out my laptop and started looking up everything I could about Morphine.

The next morning, I woke up on the couch already knowing my plan for today. I had to dig deeper in finding information about Morphine. I brewed myself a cup of coffee drank it in silence. I wanted to visit (y/n) but I knew I'd be helping her more by digging up dirt about Virus and Trip. Hopefully I would find something to blackmail them with and this can be all over.

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