Pilgrim World

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I woke up this morning pretty late, at 7:49am. I was woken up with Wednesday getting ready.

'Good morning.' I say to her in a sleepy voice. 

'Good morning, you're gonna be late. You better get ready quick because I am not waiting for you.' She says in a passive aggressive tone.

'You know you are. You just can't leave me.' I smile and chuckle and she just looks away blushing. I just get up and get ready. Putting on my shoes, I run off to the Quad. I place my arm over Wednesday's shoulder and get a few stares, also an annoying stare from Wednesday. I sit down with Ajax and Xavier as I listen to principal Weems explaining today.

'Pilgrim World? Is it like, full of pigs?' I ask confused in a half joke.

'Methaporically.' I get a straight answer from Ajax, already expecting how it would be. I stop talking and just listen to Weems as she gives us our jobs. 

'What did you get?' Wednesday asks walking up to me and leans closer. I hear Ajax chuckle covering his mouth with his hand.

'Do NOT say anything, Ajax.' I tell him angrily. But of course, he couldn't stop himself.

'What are you guys? A couple?' He bursts out laughing.

'Shut up. And to answer your question, yes.' I tell him and Wednesday just facepalms and approaches Enid.

'What!? You should've told me dude!!' Ajax tells me shaking me.

'It was pretty recent.' I tell him getting his hands off me. I walk over to Wednesday and greet her. As I was talking to her I see Xavier giving me a nasty look. He clearly liked Wednesday, and to see his friend talking to her and getting really close must feel awful. However, not my problem.

'Tell me what you got, now that Ajax isn't interrupting us.' Wednesday asks me and Enid just looks over her paper silently.

'Pilgrim world.' I tell her and she smirks hinting to me that she has something on her mind right now.

'Good.' She says quietly. 
'We have to sneak in then. I have things to investigate and you WILL help me.' She tells me and I can't deny it since she won't let me.. and I don't complain when spending time with her. Wednesday approached Enid and tapped her on the shoulder. 

'What's wrong?' Enid asks worried.

'We need to swap jobs. Now.' She didn't tell her, she ordered.

'But-' Enid says before getting cut off by Wednesday.

'I have Uriah's Heap and so does Ajax. Now will you swap with me for your stupid boyfriend?.' Wednesday asks hoping for a good answer from Enid.

'He's not stupid..! But fine.' Enid swaps with Wednesday and quickly runs over to Ajax to tell him.
I stare Wednesday, mesmerised. We then get set at Pilgrim World and then we meet the same barista greeting Wednesday.

'Hi Wednesday! And..' The barista greets Wednesday.

'Y/N.' I tell him jealous.

'Tyler Galpin.' He shakes my hand. Then we see some nun approach us.

'Hello, I will be your guide today.' She greets us and I roll my eyes. She gives us our assigned tasks and Wednesday gets some stupid job selling fudge, unfortunately.

'So how are you gonna get out of this? Overeating?' I ask her teasingly knowing she has her own plan.

'Something more traumatizing.' She picks up the tray full of fudge and walks up to a customer. I overheard her sharing some pretty dark american history including the fudge. She gets resigned from her job, of course. We approached some ''Eugene''beekeeper kid and he was.. tolerable I guess. Mostly because he helped us creep inside the museum using his retainer. As we got there we saw a painting which caught Wednesday's eye. 

'What's up?' I ask Wednesday noticing her getting amused by this creepy old painting.

'This is the girl I saw in my vision.' She says not keeping her eye off the painting.

'Vision?' I ask confused, no type of student in Nevermore can see ''visions'', but Wednesday is different I guess.

'How come there's always something new with you?' I ask her confused.

'I can't believe you don't know me.' She says.

'Well you're just being dramatic at this point..' I say quietly and she just gives me a nasty look.

'I possess psychic powers, guess you dont stare at me as much as I thought.' Wednesday told me teasingly.

'Of course I do stare at you! Wait that sounds wrong..' I say holding my hand to my chin. (🤔)

'We have to focus on this.' She says and I just frown and roll my eyes. We walk out and see the nun from before. We just saw this random empty book labeled ''Codex Umbarum'' and after that I was already exhausted and thinking about going into my dorm and jumping in my bed to rest. The nun infrormed us that the book was fake and just a stupid copy of the book. However, Wednesday was determined to uncover the mysteries and I was determined to help her.

'We're going to Weathervane.' She says and throws me my bag.

'So you can visit stupid Tyler again?' I ask catching my bag.

'Are you jealous?' She asks me teasingly.

'I'm not..' I say, my eyes looking back.

'Whatever.. we have to go.' She says. I decide to not ask question and hurry with her. We arrive at Weathervane where Xavier was. Until this moment I realized that Wednesday hadn't really interacted with Xavier until now.

'Xavier?' He was wearing a work uniform but I just focused on the plan.

'We need to know the location of the original Pilgrim Meeting House.' Wednesday asked Tyler directly and he seemed to know.

'It's in ruins in Cobham Woods. I can take you there.' Wednesday just looked at me and denied.

'No thanks, I'm going with Y/N.' We headed and both Tyler and Xavier were pretty dissapointed.

As soon as we got there we encountered the person from Uriah's Heap.

'This is my place, get out!' That Mad Man tried to stop us but Wednesday brought Thing and he attacked him, forcing him to retreat. I gave Thing a thumbs up and we began to enter and as soon as we touched the door Wednesday got a vision, I caught her and she snapped out of it.

Wednesday POV:
Y/N snapped me out of my vision and as I opened my eyes slowly in his arms, as he was looking over me I was back into reality.

'Are you alright?' He asked me worried and Thing was beside me gesturing the same thing Y/N said.

'I'm fine.' I say getting up and wiping off dust from my clothes. My vision isn't as blurry anymore.

All of a sudden I hear footsteps and Y/N pulls me to the side. As soon as we step out we see footsteps.

'We should follow them.' I advise and we head down. As we're walking, the beast-like footsteps shifted to human steps.

'Fascinating.' Y/N says in a deep tone.

'I think the beast might be human.' I say panting heavily.

'I don't think there's enough evidence, shouldn't we collect more?' Y/N says as he picks up Thing.

'Don't interfere with my plans.' I say intimidatingly.

'You told me to help you investigate. So why not let me?' He says walking up to me.<

As I was with Wednesday investigating, I began to feel lightheaded. I didn't wanna worry her so I stayed quiet and didn't say anything.

'I need to go somewhere.' I excuse myself running away.
What the fuck is this feeling and why is it happening as I'm with Wednesday!?

1229 words.

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