Chapter 18: Fears

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Scrolling through another page of baby clothes, Becky picks up another M&M from the bag before crunching her teeth through it, she's careful to avoid Freen's favourite colours.

She'd watched the brunette curiously years ago sort her M&M's into different piles, a different group for each colour and then she'd eaten them in order from her least favourite colour to her favourite colour.

"Your Mama can be a strange one Lila, but we love her a lot." Becky states to her stomach before she picks up another M&M.

Despite it being one of Freen's favourite red one's, she pops it into her mouth anyway.

"If she gets grumpy because Mami have eaten all her good ones, Mami will tell her you wanted a red one," Becky says soothingly as her hand circles around her bump which has expanded rapidly over the past month.

There's a tiny part of Becky that worries that she may have to give birth to a fourteen pound baby because she can't believe how much her stomach as grown in the past few weeks.

But she hopes that fear will be squashed today when they go to the sonogram. The last one .

And it's a little scary how quickly it has all come around, but it's nearly time and with only five weeks to go she's as prepared as she possibly can be.

They are prepared she thinks anyway but there is still a lingering doubt within herself that she is not going to be any good at being a Mom. She clicks off the webpage before she stands to pull on her coat.

"Mami's coat doesn't even fit now because of you baby," she says as she pulls it around her shoulders not even bothering to attempt the zip.

"You know Bec, people get in trouble for talking to themselves," Irin smirks as she pops her head around Becky's office door.

"Very funny," Becky replies and she watches as Irin's eyes take in her stomach, "Huh? I've gotten bigger since yesterday."

And Irin's mouth curves into a smile because the closer it's coming to due date, the more excited the petite brunette is getting.

"I wasn't actually going to say that. I was going to say you have that glow about you," she replies as Becky slips past her, the blonde's stomach wedging them together slightly. "Okay so maybe you have gotten a little bigger since yesterday."

"Ready?" Freen asks as she strolls into the studio.

Immediately making her way over to Becky and pressing a gentle kiss on the blonde's lips before taking her wife's hand in her own.

"Kha, all sorted. I actually can't wait to see her now, it's been a while. I bet she is even more adorable," Becky replies.

She feels her cheeks glow a little red at the way Freen looks at her. Freen doesn't think there's anything more adorable than Becky talking about their little baby like that.

"What?" the blonde asks as the brunette's gaze lingers on her.

"Just you being all you." Freen replies before she leans down to kiss Becky again.

"Oii. Do you guys need a cold bucket of water thrown over you?" Irin asks as she makes her way over to them and they can only laugh.

"It's love, Irin." Becky replies simply with a smile, her both dimple showing as she looks back up at Freen.

"I know kha, I know." Irin replies as she holds her hands up in a surrender pose, "remember to bring the sonogram picture back here so we can all see her again," she adds before she walks the pair of them to the door, hugging before they leave.

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