Chapter 28: You Always Make Me Smile

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Freen swipes her finger across her phone when the alarm rings at six in the morning. She scrunches her eyes closed because she knows today is going to be a long day. She can already feel it and she hasn't even gotten out of bed yet.

The last time she looked at her phone it was just leaving three in the morning.

But when she hears a slight murmur coming from her right hand side, her annoyance fades because the source of the murmur is the exact reason she has gotten up thirty minutes earlier than she usually would for her work.

Swinging her legs quietly out of bed, Freen places a kiss on Becky's shoulder before she makes her way over to the bassinet. And as predicted, Lila is wide awake her large hazel eyes shimmering in the darkness of the room.

"Good morning na kha, baby," Freen whispers as she picks Lila up with her blanket before clutching her daughter close to her chest.

Enjoying the feeling of Lila against her.

"How about we go downstairs so I can get coffee and you can get your milk?" Freen asks as she looks down and she listens as Lila murmurs quietly again. "I'm definitely taking that as a yes."

Becky isn't entirely sure what wakes her but nonetheless she stirs as she blinks her eyes open and immediately she notices the lack of Freen in their bed.

Usually the brunette has an arm or a leg thrown over her, sometimes both and the thought makes her smile despite her sleepy state.

She reaches over with her hand and she's slightly surprised to find the bassinet empty and all of a sudden the whole room feels empty because Lila and Freen aren't there. She hears a noise coming from the kitchen, she knows where she wants to be.

Sitting up, she runs her hand through her blonde hair that's tousled with sleep before she stretches and her body begins to wake properly.

"This being a Mom thing isn't so bad," she mutters to herself as she picks up Freen's blue plaid button down shirt that's sitting on their laundry pile.

When she buttons it up, it's slightly baggy on her. Not like it used to be but she's getting there, getting back into her pre-baby shape.

She decides to leave the last two buttons on the shirt undone because she knows Freen will appreciate the extra cleavage view this morning considering what day it is.

Freen sitting on the couch with her legs up on the coffee table and Lila resting against her thighs when she hears the tell tale signs of footsteps on their bedroom floor.

"Mama think your Mami is awake too now," Freen says as she holds the bottle to Lila's mouth and as always her daughter takes it gratefully.

"Mama go back to work today but luckily Mama have managed to get a half day because of your uncle Heng. So, when Mama go to work, you have to be a good girl for your Mami. Can you do that for me?" the brunette asks as she looks down.

Lila is completely oblivious to anything apart from the bottle that she's currently feeding from.

"Okay well, we will work on this conversation later na kha baby," she adds as she runs her finger through the soft curls of Lila's hair.

"Good morning na kha, teerak." Becky states as she pops her head around the door frame.

"Do you want your coffee? The machine has just beeped," Becky adds as she looks down at Lila whose eyes are glued to Freen. And Freen nods her head vigorously as the blonde disappears out of view.

"This is why Mama married your Mami, Lila. She can make a mean cup of coffee," Freen whispers as she puts the empty bottle onto the coffee table.

"I heard that babe, and that best not be the only reason you married me," Becky calls back playfully and Freen rolls her eyes at being caught before she settles Lila back onto her thighs.

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