Chapter 2

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Tonight it's pouring outside. Syd is smoking in the back alley, where a small piece of plastic covers him from the rain.
It's raining so badly that not even the usual clients have come. Alma opens a beer for me and passes me the bottle swiftly, sliding it through the bar towards me.
"You know that what we drink is discounted from our salary, right?" I ask her, taking a big gulp from the bottle. It's freezing cold, which helps with the heat inside the pub, although it's pretty cold outside today. She huffs out something I can't understand before she answers.
"They're on me tonight, don't worry." I nod and take a small sip from the beer. "So… what happened with that Bondy boy from last night?" She asks, wiggling both her eyebrows at me.
I sigh. "Nothing, really. He came to book a gig. Apparently he studies music and wants to play some of his pieces here."
"Oh. And did he ask you out?" She's adamant on me finding love again. If what I had before can be called love, though…
"No, I could tell from miles away that he's quite the timid creature."
"Creature? You talk about him as if he was an animal, Dolly. Come on!" I let out a cackle and accidentally spill some of the beer on the floor.
"Ah, fuck."
"It's just a little puddle, Y/N. There, I'll clean it-"
'Ding ding ding!'
The doorbell rings. Someone is coming inside, drenched in water from head to toe. Alma and I can only see his silhouette from the dim lighting inside the pub, but this person takes a few steps forward and we can see him clearly.
Alma elbows me at the hip so he can't see her teasing. "I forgot I have to wash a few cups… I'll be back soon," she says, amused, leaving me with the soaking bloke and going into the kitchen.
Syd comes back from his break and witnesses the awkward silence as Johnny takes off his raincoat.
"Alright, Dolly?" He says, his cheeks flushed despite the cold outside. Syd comes behind the bar and asks him what he can offer him. "Ah, just a pint. Lotsa' foam."
I start to clean the bar as Syd pours our client his drink. But I can't help but wonder what in God's name he's doing here, in this weather, at this time of the evening.
Johnny gets his drink and pays with quarters.
"What are you doing here in this weather, eh?" I question him, looking at how his wavy hair is sticking to his head and face. I can see his features in full this time and I see a sharp jawline, covered by a 5-o'clock stubble.
He takes a sip from his pint and carefully puts the glass down on the coaster. "I was bored at home. Nothing on the telly and I've listened to all of my records," he answers.
I'm honestly surprised by this because all I want to be doing right now is being at home playing my Ten vinyl over and over, but that won't pay the bills. "So you came to get drunk?"
He laughs timidly, again showing his crooked teeth in a soft chuckle. "I only get drunk at parties. Y'know, to take a bird home."
I rest my elbow on the bar, cupping my cheek with my left hand. With the other one, I tap over and over on the hardwood surface. "You can't take girls home without getting drunk?"
"Aye," he answers, then takes a sip of his beer. A little foam mustache forms over his lips and he licks it away. "When I see a pretty girl I get all giddy an' I struggle to get the words out. When I'm drunk, it's easier."
This information leaves me feeling uneasy. My ex, Bradley, would take advantage of me when I was drunk. Luckily, I'd always been lucid enough to kick him away if he tried to get his way with me in that state. But what happens with boys? Do lasses know that going home with a drunk lad and having sex with him in that state is just as bad?
"And have you had any success so far?"
"Last time I tried, I wasn't drunk. She's pretty and has the nice curves, y'see…"
Suddenly, I am curious. This complete stranger comes and tells me how he takes girls home while he drinks a tall glass of beer. Does he think he's gonna get a bird? Here, of all places?
"Ah. Does she come here?"
Johnny gives me a sideways smile and chugs down the rest of his beer, placing more money on the bar and asking for another round.
"Ya, often," he says, responding to me. "Do you want a drink? I'll get you one."
"No, I'm sorry. I can't drink at work."
"C'mon, Dolly, at least a coke. Make me some company," he replies. I try so hard not to laugh at him. He doesn't seem to understand the concept of committing to your job. Does he even have one, anyway?
"No way. But continue, I wanna know about the bombshell you wanna take home."
"Heh, that conversation will have to continue when you're off duty." I raise an eyebrow. Is this kid inviting me on a date?
"I don't go on dates with clients, sorry." I reply. He huffs out another laugh and chugs the glass down once again. This time, he doesn't order another drink. He just sits there, grinning, hands entwined over the counter.
"Ts' not a date, silly," he retorts. "I just wanna be friends, alreet. Meetcha' at The Cluny on Saturday?"
I sigh. "Come back tomorrow and I'll let you know."
Alma yells my name from the kitchen. "Y/N! I need help with these plates!"
Johnny puts on his raincoat and tips me and Syd a tenner. "See ya there. Don't be late," he says, stumbling out and going back into the rainy street.
I go into the kitchen as Syd cleans the bar where Jonathan was sitting, Alma pulling my arm and closing the door behind her.
"You're going."
"No way, Alma! What the fuck!?"
"I swear on my cock and balls that if you don't go, I won't cover you on your period anymore."
"I can live with it." That's a lie. Alma covers me during my period days because my cramps are unbearable and my blood pressure goes down, making me dizzy and unable to get out of bed. Andrew understands and doesn't discount those days from my salary, but then the pub looks disgusting if Alma doesn't clean up for me.
"You're going, Y/N. And I'm going to dress you up and do your makeup."
"Alma, I don't want to engage with anyone-"
"He wants to be your friend, fucks' sake! Get to know him!" She whisper-yells, frustrated. She's having trouble finding love and doesn't want the same for me.
I take a deep breath in, then when I exhale I start to think about it lightly. It's just a night out, I get to make friends… maybe he has a cute friend I can take home.
"Okay, I'll go."
"Really!?" Alma's eyes light up. I see they are reddened, maybe because she's been holding back tears. I hug her tight and nod on her shoulder.
"Yeah… I'll go. I could use a male friend for dating advice."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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