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Saturday morning Liam woke up early. Partly because he always does and partly because Ian had an alarm set for seven. Liam blinks his eyes open and then groans.

"Sorry." Ian mumbles while turning it off. "My mom usually wakes up at eight so I gotta go."

"It's okay." Liam's voice is muffled because half his face is buried in the pillow. "Am I gonna be seeing you later?"

Ian raised his eyebrows. "I'll be back here tonight, yeah, if it's okay. Is that what you're asking?"

"Oh. Ember invited Paige and I to the movies. I didn't know who all is going."

"Oh." Ian nods a little. "I haven't heard about it so it's probably just you three. Well, Izzy might be going too."

Liam hums and nods. "Okay. I was just wondering."

"Okay. Well, I better get going. I'll see you tonight?"

Liam nods. "Bye."

Ian climbes out the window again. Liam's surprised at how easily he does it. The thought doesn't stay for long though. He wants breakfast, but he has to wait for it.

While he waits he ends up finishing the movie from last night. He has nothing better to do. At eight twenty nine he walks down the stairs for breakfast.

His mother frowns when he joins her at the table. "Good morning, William."

"Good morning." Liam nods.

They eat in silence. He doesn't miss the occasional looks of disappointment she shoots him. It hurts but he's used to it. He doesn't think she's ever looked at him lovingly before.

After he's finishing eating breakfast Liam stands up from the table. He starts to leave when his mother stops him by talking. He turns to face her while she's still seated at the table.

"There's an event tonight."

"I am aware. You've been planning for it." He's heard her talk it up for about two weeks now. She's very excited.

"Yes I have." She nods in agreement. "Will you be here?"

Liam's eyebrows raise. "I had not realized I had a choice."

"You don't." Her glare returns. "You should be here. I was just making sure you knew that."

Liam nods. He remembers that he's going to the movies today but he's not sure on the time yet. He can still be at the party for awhile.

"I'll socialize a bit here and there. I can't promise I'll be here all night though."

"Why not?" Her eyebrows furrow and her cold gaze doesn't change.

"I have plans." Liam then turns and walks away. She doesn't say anything to stop him. He walks up the stairs and returns to his bedroom.

He texts Ember and figures out they're seeing the movie at six. That leaves an hour before for him to float around the party and if it's still going on at eight he'll have some more time. His mother can't get too mad then. Well, hopefully.

He watches movies and lays around his bedroom for awhile. He isn't needed anywhere at any time until five, so he does nothing. He even skips lunch at twelve thirty because he just doesn't want to converse with his mother at the moment.

Although, nothing good can last forever. Not when it comes to William Caddel, his life never goes the way he wants. There's a knock at his door and then it slowly creaks open. The maid stands there.

"Your mother says to get ready and be downstairs soon." She says timidly. Liam nods.

She shuts the door when she leaves his room. He sighs and stands up to change. He has to dress in a white button up and dress pants. He doesn't bother to put on a jacket or a tie though. He's sure he'll get scolded but he doesn't care right now.

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