Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Earth reborn
As there on there way they stop to use the bathroom but what Micheal notices horrifies him luckily Mateo needs the bathroom to so he explains to him how he saw Ashe's leg go green..she's infected what do they do next? They both try to act normal but not enough clearly since Hadley asks "What's wrong?" as she notices that Michaels face has turned pale, Michael tells Hadley, "I think Ashe may be infected, Take a look at her leg" as he points to her leg "Do you see the green skin? I don't know how to tell Lilly but we will have to figure something out before it's too late!" Mateo looks terrified, He looks at Ashe then looks at Michael asking him "what should we do?"Hadley decides to ditch her by tricking her will she fool for it? "Hey..Ashe do you mind heading in to the store my legs hurt and I need that can of food it's my favourite !"yeah sure!" without hesitation they drive off leaving in guilt but they notice her turn into a zombie.."that's was close.." Micheal turns over "what have we done." He looks relieved but horrified by what happened. You all breathe a sigh of relief as the infected Ashe stops chasing after you, You then continue driving towards the spaceport and after driving for a while you finally make it to the gate leading to the spaceport.
You go up to the gate and find it locked and a man standing inside and he asks you for your ID cards.
What do you do?
Hand over the ID cards, Hope you can get in
Try to find another way in?
Threaten the man and try to force your way inside? There where so many risks but You hand over the ID cards and the man checks them and then lets you in. You drive through the gate into the spaceport, it looks really advanced and full of sci fi technology, You see a lot of astronauts getting ready to go to the space station.
You all find a place to park your car and exit the vehicle, you all head inside, You follow the signs and eventually you see a line and a desk where people are getting on a ship.
You go to the desk and a man asks you for your boarding pass. What do you say or do? "W-we don't have one" "we left them..?" They hoped he would just let them inside but don't be fooled. "Shit!" "Uh we left them at the cabin!"The man seems skeptical and says "You left them at the cabin? This is the final boarding call! If you're going to board you need your boarding passes. If I let you go your way that'll be breaking the rules and I can't do that. Why aren't you two on the list!?" The man's voice is getting louder, This is bad. What do you do? They appear over and turn to see a random girl ..without hesitation she knocks him out "Go go go!"You all dash past the man who falls to the ground unconscious, You don't know if you should be angry or thankful that she knocked him out for you but you all head towards the ship.
This ship looks huge and is extremely advanced, There are hundreds of seats inside and the ship is just massive. You see a line of people waiting to get into the ship. The ship looks like it can hold around 500 people. It looks like it'll be a long ride to the next planet, but it looks like you're almost ready to go.
What do you do next?

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