Chapter 14: Wire's Wingman

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Helloooo readers!!!! Thanks for sticking around. I hope you enjoy this chapter!! xxanna


Fuck. Not again. This is the second night in a row I've had a nightmare. I wonder what the reason for this is...


I grabbed my phone to check and see who texted me.

Another unknown number. Different from the one I had blocked the night before.

'Thought you could get rid of me that easy, eh slut? Don't worry if you block this number again, I still have numerous ways to get in contact with you. Just know that I am watching you.' the message read.

What the shit? This is clearly the same person. Maybe I should consider telling Kid about this. He said he would help me and be there for me no matter what, so surely he could help me figure this thing out right? Unless it's just some dumb prank then I'd be making him worry for no reason.

I know. I'll tell him, but I'll wait until after the double date. I don't wanna ruin the mood, especially when we will both be wingmans for our friends.

I blocked the new unknown number once again, and rolled over facing a sleeping Kid.

Even when he was fast asleep he still held a serious expression which put a smile on my face. I caressed his cheek soft enough to not wake him, and gave him a kiss on his painted lips.

"I love you", I whispered after my lips drifted away from his.

I rested my head on his arm and fell back asleep.

"Wake up Claws. I'm getting bored over here. Entertain me." Kid said, flicking me on the forehead in an attempt to wake me up.

"You know I've been up since the first flick you gave me about 5 minutes ago Kid." I said, rubbing my eyes after finally opening them from pretending to still be asleep.

"So you were faking, huh? I think that deserves a little punishment if I do say so myself." Kid said, with a mischievous smirk forming across his face.

I let out a giggle then said, "Hm...maybe later. I still have to text Bonney about tonight. I completely forgot yesterday."

Kid just rolled his eyes and got up out of bed.

"Fine. I'm gonna go make breakfast. Any requests?" Kid asked.

Grumble.. Just the thought of food made me instantly hungry.

"Yeah, can you make me some chocolate chip pancakes please?" I said.

"Yeah, yeah. Anything for you." Kid said, leaving the room and heading towards the kitchen.

I turned over and grabbed my phone, and found Bonney's contact.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

'Hey (Y/N)! Haven't heard from you in a while. How have you been? Why don't we get together soon?' Bonney said.

'Hi Bonney! I know, it's been a minute hasn't it? I've been great actually. I have a boyfriend now, and let me tell you. He's the one, I just know it. I can feel it deep down. Even in my bones!' I said.

'REALLY?? OMG!! I'm so happy for you (Y/N). Though I am a bit jealous. I've gone on a few dates these past few months but none of them piqued my interest. It seems like my dating life is a rose that has finally lost all of its pedals and died.' Bonney said, sounding sad at the end.

'Aw thanks Bonney. But don't give up hope yet. I'm actually calling because I have a proposition for you. Please tell me you're free tonight?' I said.

'Hm. Well I am free. What is this proposition you speak of?' Bonney asked.

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