Chapter 18: Surprise!

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We finally arrived after what felt like eternity because of the anticipation. My stomach was crawling with butterflies. I couldn't wait. I haven't left that apartment in ages. I haven't partied in AGES!

"Babe. On our way in, just trust me. I'll guide you, but I need you to close your eyes. Okay? No questions asked..." Kid said.

"I looked at him and said, "Eustass Kid, what the hell—"

I was cut off by him.

"Bu-bu-but. I said no questions asked. C'mon pretty lady, close those gorgeous eyes and take my hand." he said.

"Kid-" I started to say.

"Claws. Eyes. Closed. Now." Kid demanded.

"Hmph" I let out as I climbed out of the truck, closing my eyes and taking Kids' hand.

Kid led me forward and through what sounded like two sets of doors. Odd weren't we going to a bar? It's awfully quiet for a bar. Maybe we are the first ones here?

"Okay you can open your eyes now." Kid said.

As soon as I opened my eyes my ears were met with many 'Surprise!'

I looked around the unfamiliar place to see many familiar faces. Everyone was there. Everyone I knew, loved, and considered a friend/family. The place was also eloquently decorated with a theme of black and red. Was this all for me? What is going on? I haven't seen everyone in months. This was an amazing surprise.

I turned to my left so I could thank Kid. Turning I realized that Kid was on one knee and had a box with a ring in it held out to me. The box contained the most beautiful black diamond ring I have ever seen in my life.

It all was starting to click and make sense now. Him buying me all of this stuff for tonight... Him being so secretive. Even him messing up and saying he got a 3-piece set! It all makes sense now.

The room grew silent.

"(Y/N), since the very first time I laid my eyes on you, you were truly captivating. The most beautiful human being I've ever seen. Never thinking I would see you again, when you walked into my shop the very next morning I was at a loss for words. I knew that it was fate that was bringing us together. After getting to know you I realized that you weren't just the most beautiful human being, but you had the most beautiful personality and soul too. Though, and you know this, that I can be extremely stubborn at times, you have always put up with me. I appreciate you more than you will ever know. I don't know what I would do in a world without you. You are truly the love of my life. (Y/N) (L/N), will you do me the honor and marry me and make my life whole?" Kid asked on one knee.

Tears started streaming down my cheeks after the speech Kid had just given. This will be the most memorable moment out of my whole life.

I couldn't contain my smile enough. "Yes kid. A hundred million times, yes. I love you so much. You truly saved me. You showed me love when I thought there was none left in this world to give to me. You changed me into being a better person. Someone you can depend on, and at the same time I can depend on you." Kid got up off of one knee and placed the beautiful ring on my finger.

He pulled me into his embrace for a kiss. Everyone around us started cheering.

Dave and Toni were the first ones to come up to us.

"Ah, I finally am going to have a daughter!" exclaimed Toni, pulling me in for a hug.

"Welcome to the family (Y/N)." Dave said with a huge grin, "Eustass, you better treat her right or I'll kick your ass. She's truly a keeper."

After talking to Dave and Toni for a few minutes, Nami and Luffy started making their way towards us. They were holding hands.

"Wow. I was only cooped up for 6 months guys. What the HELL did I miss?" I said, staring down at their hands.

Luffy blushed then Nami said, "Oh (Y/N), you have a lot of catching up to do..."

"Yeah. Well actually right after you got released from the hospital 6 months ago, I realized that life is too short. I finally confessed my feelings to Nami and she agreed to a date. It has been smooth sailing since then." Luffy said, standing proud.

"Smooth sailing... Ha-ha." Nami said sarcastically, "This dummy acts so much like an immature idiot it's almost like he needs me in his life just so I can set him straight."

"I do need you Nami Mami." Luffy said, gripping his arm around her waist.

"BAKA. Don't call me that in public you idiot!" Nami yelled, hitting Luffy on the top of the head. (A/N: Not abusively, just lightly lol).

"Right, right. My bad. Only say things like that in the bedroom. Noted." Luffy said, laughing.

Nami just rolled her eyes, knowing it was no use to continue on with that conversation.

"Anyways...congrats you guys! We are both so happy for you two. Can't wait for the wedding! And (Y/N), I better be the maid of honor" Nami said with a wink.

"I knew you guys would get together eventually! I could just feel it! And of course, who else would I pick. You're my best friend. Speaking of that let's plan a sleepover soon. You can come see the apartment!" I said.

"Thanks guys!" Kid quickly added in.

Nami agreed and couldn't wait to see the new apartment that I shared with Kid and the guys. Her and Luffy walked away and towards the bar. I could tell she was scolding him on the way. What a goofball that Luffy is.

Kid turned to me and whispered in my ear, "I would have never in a million years pictured them together. Nami is so mature. And Luffy, well he's Luffy."

We both started laughing.

"Well, I think that's what makes them such a good match to be honest. They kind of remind me of me and you a little bit" I said.

Kid just shook his head and laughed. We started making our way around the bar mingling with everyone.

Many, many drinks and laughs later I was ready to leave. Good thing Kid is the responsible one in this relationship. Surprisingly. He sobered up a while ago so he would be able to take us both home. Love him for that.

I laid in bed next to Kid after washing up and getting in my PJ's. I held my left hand up so me and Kid could both admire the stunning ring.

"This is seriously my most prized possession. Ever. I can't believe it. This all feels like a dream come true. Thanks for making tonight so special and perfect babe." I said.

Kid caressed my cheek, then grabbed my hand.

"Only such a perfect night and perfect ring is fit for such a perfect woman. The only woman for me." he said.

"I can't believe it. I will soon be (Y/N) Kid. That sounds really good actually. Sounds better saying it out loud than how it sounded in my head." I said, pleased.

"Fuck claws. That turned me the hell on. Come here." Kid said.

OMFG!!!! ENGAGED YASSS... I literally love them so much omg. Their dynamic fits so well together. Kid has been such a sweetheart these past few chapters. I like this side of him, I think it fits him well. Oh, and the next chapter is definitely a lemon... xxanna

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