Dont play with sharp objects

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The next time I visited, was with my father. He said I would be staying with Guntz's family, while handled this new job offer. He said that this business partner pays very well for those who are very skilled in keeping things organized, as well as making sure machines are in working order. I didn't know who it was he was talking about, but I wasn't too worried since I know he would be fine. When we arrived, it was Guntz's father greeted us with his usual laid back smirk. 

Dad: I thankyou again for watching over Aero. I wouldn't want him to be left alone.

Batz: It's no trouble, if anything your son will be just fine. I should know. As a father myself, you do what you can for your offspring. 

Dad: I, , ,am aware of that. . .

Batz: Let's discuss this in the garage. Aero, Guntz is playing in the back.

Aero: Ok!

I saw them leave, while I go to meet up with Guntz. Who was practicing with his toy guns. 

Aero: Wow you gotten better with that!

Guntz: Aero I didn't know you were visiting!

Aero: My dad asked yours if I could stay while he works. 

Guntz: That's great! Oh guess what. My dad said he's taking time off of work.

Aero: Really? Well glad to hear that.

Guntz: Well since your here, you wanna practice?

Aero: You sure? I was thinking we play.

Guntz: Hmm, , ,yeah I guess we could. 

And so we just played for awhile, from tag, to practice hunting. We even played pretend, where he was a fearless bounty hunter, while I was a criminal.

Aero:  You can't catch me!

Guntz: Oh yeah, not on my watch!

Bam bam bam!

Aero: OW! Seriously Guntz, why did you use that?!

Guntz: Well it is hunters and criminals. Also this is just a toy Aero, don't be a baby ha ha!

Aero: Menya. . .

Batz: Boys i'll be going out to get lunch for us! 

Guntz: Ok daddy!

Batz: I'm just gonna be gone for a little bit, if you need anything you can ask Janga.

Aero:-That guy again. . .Oh boy.-

So yeah we were gonna be watched by the crazy cat man. And if you know my reasons, well then good I am not alone in it. When Batz left, me nd Guntz continued playing till we decided to go inside. I could hear the water running from the top floor, meaning that cat was possibly in there. So for the time being we would just watch TV. . .That was when Guntz brought something up, one that I didn't expect.

Guntz: You know those long claws that Uncle Janga has?

Aero: Wait so those aren't his actual hands?

Guntz: Nope, their like gloves or something. 

That was when I noticed his mischievous grin. 

Guntz: Hey Aero, you wanna see?

Aero: Really you sure it'll be alright? What if we get caught?

Guntz: Don't worry, uncle Janga will be in there for awhile. 

Aero: Hmmm well ok.

We then quickly moved over to one of the large closets. I knew it's where you put shoes and coats in there. But had no idea that this guy kept his weapons inside. . .I mean if you needed to keep your lethal weapons out of a child's reach, than I guess that's a pretty smart thing to do. When we were able to get the doors open, it was dark, and could see only the said shoes and coats, maybe an umbrella. It was until we spotted what looked like something sharp.

Aero: Huh? I see something!

Guntz: Really? Well careful where you jump.

I was able to jump up, and even to where the claws were. I did not expect them to be really heavy, but not only that, they also fell down. A sharp sound could be heard, along with Guntz letting out a yelp. 

Guntz: Yikes!

Aero: Guntz are you ok?!

Guntz: Y-yeah, barley!

I looked down and could see that the sharp ends nearly hit him. And I could even tell he was shaking. Jumping down to make sure he was alright.

Aero: That sure was scary. 

Guntz: It was, , ,but we at least got them.

Aero: Woah, I remember them being big, , ,but I didn't think they were this big!

Guntz: And sharp too. I guess it makes sense for a cat like him.

Aero: But where's that strange water come from?

Guntz: I dont know, I never asked.

Janga: What the hell was that noise?!

Aero: Wahh!

Guntz: Uh oh! Not good!

We heard the cat man come out of the washroom, wearing some shorts, and a panic look on his face. We both could tell he wasn't happy.

Janga: What did you two do?!

Aero: Eep!

Guntz: Gah! Run Aero!

Janga: What the-Hey come back here!

We then scattered to avoid getting caught. We both knew we were in trouble, but the issue was that we couldn't get outside as we ether couldn't reach, or they were locked. Janga was pretty fast, much faster then ether of us expected. Even though we were shorter and able to get through some places. He had managed to somehow managed to catch us.

Janga: Got you, , ,you little trouble making brats. Since you put me through this wild goose chase, it's time out for both of you till Batz get's back.

Guntz: Ahh man, Ppphhh.

He then hangs Guntz by his shirt on a coat hanger. Where the pup crossed his arms, looking pretty annoyed. Guessing he was use to it whenever he got too wild. But for me, I was scared he would do the same, so I began to freak out and begging not to be hung, cause remember that I was wearing a collar at the time. So he just placed me in the corner instead.

Janga: You both truly can be a pain. But consider yourselves lucky that you didn't get hurt by these. These aren't to be messed with, they are NOT toys. They are for hunting, and to be used by someone skilled.

Aero: I, , i'm sorry! Please don't be mad I didn't mean to!

I was shaking, afraid he was going to do something bad. But nothing came, rather a deep sigh.

Janga: Man you kids really don't know any better do you. Getting into all kinds of mischief due to your curiosity. Well sometimes maybe it's best to not always fallow that, otherwise you could end up getting hurt. 

That look in his eyes, they weren't one of true anger. Normally I would be afraid, but during that point, he showed that he was more shocked, if not concern. He even patted my head.

Janga: I'm not gonna say what you did wasn't really a good idea. But that this should teach you to be more careful. Your not big enough to handle those things, let alone ready to handle adventures yet.

Aero: You maybe right, , ,It's just that me and Guntz, we want to someday become team. So we could go on adventures when we're bigger. . .

Janga: It's a big world out there, but while there are wonderous things, there is always something dangerous you may face too. . .Listen kid, right now you give Batz's kid here plenty to do, while we head out. He sometimes can get up to things he's not suppose to, right Guntz?

Guntz: Not like i'm a big grumpy kitty.

Janga: Well Aero, just cause your in trouble, doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Besides if I can tell you something, is to not fall down a dark path ok? I might not be the best in handling things like this, but call it an easy way into understanding what I am saying.

Aero: I think I do. Maybe not. . .you know, , ,Guntz was right. 

Janga: Oh right about what?

Aero: You aren't all that scary after all. You sure can be nice Mr Janga.

Janga: Huh is that so? Heh well maybe not always, I can be way more scary to others who try and mess with me! But hearing from a kid like you, , ,i'll admit makes me feel glad to hear.

It was if the tone in his voice was one of relief. It's almost like he's never had many tell him something positive in his entire life. Looking back again, I kind of wondered why he gave me that telling, and not much Guntz. My guess is cause he was more like his father, like a spitting image of the once legendary bounty hunter he worked with a long time ago. 

Janga: Anyways you kids just hang there till Batz get's back! He's gonna want to give you a better lecture then I could. 

And so both me and Guntz just waited where we where. When Batz did come back.

Batz: I'm back! Sorry for taking so long, the line there was much larger then normal, and lunch hour sure was busier then I expected ha ha! Well how were things kids- Huh?

Guntz: Hi daddy!

Aero: Heh heh hey there.

Batz: What happened while I was out? And Guntz why are you on the coat rack?

Guntz: Oh you know, just hanging around.

Aero: Boo!

Janga: If you'd want to know, these boys got curious enough where they wanted to look at my poison claws. To where your son was almost hit by the sharp end.

Batz: They did what?!

And there it was, and honestly I think it was much scarier then Janga's. Mostly cause I know if you did or said the wrong thing, that wolf would make sure to remind you to never cross him. Though Guntz later told me that he was never abused, but would receive ether a lecture, or a fitting punishment. And with this, we both just gotten a lecture. But was fallowed up with something I didn't expect.

Batz: If you two wanted to look, you should've asked Janga. 

Guntz: So your not mad?

Batz: More of being shocked, and relived to know that you boys are alright. And it sounds like Janga made it pretty clear how much you two have a lot to learn and growing. For now you boys tomorrow will be required to help us clean the house. That'll be your punishment, nothing more, nothing less. Do you boys understand?

Guntz and Aero: Yes sir.

Batz: Good, now why don't we all go and eat. The burgers arnt gonna eat themselves you know.

It was not a bad punishment, if anything it felt pretty reasonable. And what we did was really stupid and dangerous. Even as a kid I learned that I shouldn't be risking things, nor rushing them, , ,but now. Well I guess if i'm quick in thinking, I can prevent something like that from happening, but I still had my short comings. And I'll say this, both Batz and Janga, despite how different they were, clearly knew what they were talking about. . .I just wished it remained that way.

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