Camping Trip

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Within the next day, the four had packed up things they'll need for this trip. With Batz bringing some fishing gear, along with some of his weapons to do hunting. Once they had gotten all they need, they headed out to where a very far off spot would be. That being a clearing in the forest, with plenty of fresh water to drink, along with plenty of shade to relax under. Once they arrive, they gotten settled and unpacked all that they had. 

Batz: See Janga, I told you taking the Red Clan would be a much faster way, compared to walking.

Janga: Alright alright you don't have to rub it in. Ok we got the tent set up, our things unpacked, and I think our gallon of water. I'll just take a little break by that tree, don't bother unless it's something urgent, or something interesting. 

With a stretch the he went to relax under a tree, while Batz tells the boys to go play while he collects wood. They of course were told not to wonder off too far, which thankfully both were pretty aware of and just enjoyed the sight seeing. Now while the day was clear, it was also very hot out too. This made some of the explorations kind of tricky, but those who have been use to going through these tough conditions, they can manage. Plus them being where there's shade and water helps too. 
Both boys were heading to the water to play, thankfully they brought swim trunks.

Guntz: I didn't think you liked water.

Aero: I maybe part cat, but the dog in me loves water!

Guntz: Well then let's race there!

Aero: You're on Guntz!

While the boys went there, they could see Janga was napping and wondered if he was even hot. But they ended up playing in the water, swimming, splashing and seeing who could hold their breath the longest. It was until the adult wolf came back, and could see that Janga had moved over to the lake. The boys could see Batz looking at the cat, then to them, a cheeky grin on his face could be seen. He then sneaks around where Janga didn't hear him, or see him, change into his swim trunks, and then gets into the water. It didn't seem like Janga had a care in the world, as he just relaxed while having his feet within the waters. The boys watched and were wondering just what was going to happen. And when Janga least expected, Batz surfaced, only to grab hold of the startled cat, and dragging him in. Only for the cat to come out, coughing and wheezing, while Batz and the boys found this very amusing.


Batz: Hey hey there Janga, it is pretty hot out and I thought you could use a bit of some cooling off.

Janga: Grr you stupid wolf! What kind of logic is that, you could have just asked if I wanted to, sheesh! I swear you can be such a pain in my ass!

Aero: Heh heh heh I didn't think Janga would get that mad!

Guntz: I've known for awhile, my dad and him can sometimes get serious, but they have their silly sides too. It's all good.

They all had a good laugh and continue to enjoy the day, by the time it got late, they were having what they brought. This includes Batz making some jokes, Janga telling about the kinds of criminals they took down, and treasures they found. 

Janga: You know Batz, we only have one adult size sleeping bag, , ,big enough for two.~

Batz: Uhh Janga! Maybe we shouldn't discuss this in front of our boys. Its a good thing we brought that extra tent.

Janga: Yeah we wouldn't want it to get too stuffy now do we?

Aero and Guntz were busy eating with not a care in the world. For the most part, things were rather relaxing. While they were settling in for the night, Guntz who couldn't sleep, noticed that the cabbit wasn't anywhere inside. Heading out he tried looking to see if Aero was around, luckily he could spot him sitting in the trees, staring up at the star filled skies. He seems to be at peace. Not wanting to leave him be alone, Guntz climbs up to join him.

Guntz: Hey what are you doing up here?

Aero: Oh I just couldn't sleep, needed some fresh air. . .that's all.

Guntz: Really, is something wrong?

Aero: . . .It's just.

Guntz: Is it, still uncle Janga?

Aero: Well no, not this time. I've been missing Klonoa, and wondered if he misses me.

Guntz: I'm sure he does. But think about it this way. Your already an adventurer, and i'm sure he'll want to see his big brother to come back with some really cool stuff!

Aero: Yeah I guess you're right. And maybe when he's bigger, he can come along with us! The many kinds of adventures we can go on. Many treasures and locations.

Guntz: Wow now i'm getting excited about getting to go too, when i'm bigger! I want to become a top rank bounty hunter like my dad, and Uncle Janga!

This was something they would talk about, their dreams and what they want to be. And how it made their bonds stronger. They stayed to watch the stars, until they both ended up falling asleep. The remaining of the trip, they managed to do the usual activities, such as hiking, fishing and hunting. Where there were some the kids could enjoy, like playing and causing some mischief, but not enough to cause any big issues. Getting to go on nature walks and even see the wildlife, this included Aero being able to help a helpless bear cub reunite with its family, only for that same family to join him and the rest for lunch. It was only a few days when they decided they needed to head back. Where Aero's dad came to pick him up, the boy was happy to see him.

Gus: Hey Aero, hope you had a great time!

Aero: It was dad! We did a lot of cool stuff!

Gus: Well why don't you tell me, while we head home. 

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