Year I - Term I

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A/N: And we're back again with more Dutch content! I'm aiming to post an update to this fic ~ twice a week. As much as I tried to make the location ambiguous, I am a UK gyal and the UK uni experience is the only one i know sorry <3 hope you enjoy!!!

Chapter word count: 8,248

You hated driving with John, he was far too reckless and half the time you were sure he wasn't even paying attention to the road, but when compared to getting an overly expensive train or a stuffy coach, it was a no brainer. John's warped view of the value for money, thanks to him growing up with an abundance of it, also played in your favour in that he refused to take any contributions for fuel.

After meeting John at a welcome party for your student accommodation, you soon bonded over growing up in a similar area - his house was just an hour on the train from you.

From then on, you'd often attend each other's pre-drinks before nights out, and that soon led to you battling through your hangovers together the following day. You frequented his flat more often than your own by the end of the first semester, enjoying the company within it much more than that of yours. He and his childhood friend, Javier, had asked to be put together in their accommodation and he was always a lot of fun on nights out and super easy to get on with, and you discovered he'd taken the same course as you which saved you the worry of being alone in lectures. One of his other flatmates, Sean, had drove you insane when you first met him as he wouldn't stop talking, but you soon grew to love him, too.

Abigail was another of his flatmates, and he made the dire mistake of pulling her on the very first night; making the living situation unbearably uncomfortable for everyone else, especially when the two made the event an "accidental" reoccurring theme. It was no secret that she was smitten the moment she met him, but John being John and John also being a university student he had no desire to enter anything serious, even if he did like her more than he let on.

You'd grown close to one of your own flatmates, Karen, and she often joined you on your trips to the flat across the hall, and after she'd drunkenly got with Sean on one of the nights out, being intoxicated became a requirement for her to visit the flat to calm her embarrassment. So, you all began smoking weed together on a regular occasion, and the small group became your favourite thing about university so far.

Although you were already saving money by getting a lift most of the way home, the day that John had wanted to return for the Christmas holiday only had expensive ticket options for the final leg of your journey on the train, but two days later was much cheaper and he'd kindly offered you a place in one of his spare rooms. You gladly accepted, eager to see how nice his house was and spend a bit of time with his younger sister, Tilly, who you'd only spoken to over facetime but whose dry sense of humour you found hilarious.

"Fuck, John, stop cutting people off," you craned your neck backwards, watching the most recent victim of John's erratic road presence throwing up the V's at his car.

"Stop backseat driving," he batted his hand, but as always there was no irritation in his relaxed raspy voice, one that was getting raspier by the day considering how much he smoked. If it wasn't weed, it was cigarettes and oh there he goes lighting another.

"You do know this is why your car stinks, right?" you asked, cringing slightly at how careless he was even with his nice expensive vehicle.

"You're starting to sound like Abigail," he scoffed, taking an extended inhale from the cigarette and blowing the smoke at you for good measure, laughing in that signature wheeze of his when you recoiled.

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