running away

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(if l you are wondering who that is that is aria)

aria pov~~~

i said bey to blake and i rode my skatebrode has fast as i could i got home catching my breath. Where have you been you worthless brat then he slap about 20 time.

i got a black eye when he was done i ran into my room and lock the door,then text blake what happen he told me that he was coming by and i said no because my dad will get more mad and hurt me more.

So i told blake that i am running away he agreed and said that to come to his place but i said no because of his little sis.we argued about it while a pack a bag and i won,when i was done packing and texting blake i heard a knock on my door.

hun please open i am sorry,i quickly open the window and grab my phone sake broad and my bag i only had one bag i but my broad down first then bag next was me i.quickly grap my bag and fix the broad.

hey my dad said then i road by broad quickly while he was chasing after me.I stop and i did't see my dad,then i saw something it was a light of a car it almost it me but it the car spin around when it was on the ground.Hey watch it i could have hurt you the guy said then i saw the whole black veil bride army coming out of the bus i was in shook.

andy pov

the bus driver almost hit this cute girl she was bruised up and had a black eye and it looks like she was on the run from someone.

hey whats your name i ask

her its aria she said,

where are you going Jinxx said

I don't know aria said

do you have a place to stay cc ask her,

ya but i don't wanna go back aria said

why not jake ask

my dad abuse me and he drinks a lot

awwww can we keep her andy please she will be good for us anyways cc said

alright come on aria.

authors note~~

sorry if it is short bvb fans

My saviour bvbDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora