The party

18 2 0

andy pov~~~

i went to get aria birthday present.i decide on getting her a dog,i ask the lady on the front counter a dog that is fun to be with,loving,proactive,and loyal. she took me to a husky that was about three weeks old with no name.I will take him i said proudly.ok sir just sing the option paper and then right over there is her things.ok said,i sing the papers when it said name i thought about.ummmm. got it.(not going to say until aria see him)i got aria the cake(the one in the pic)

cc pov

i went to the music storer with ashley,i went to the drum section and ash went to the guitar.The drum i got were truquist(can't sleep) they were normal size to be in a house.then got two set for drum sits that were black,ash got a guitar that was red and white like the own you see on t.v then a black and red case to match it after we were done with the music store we head out looking for the other guys,but first we but the things in the car.

jack pov

i went to skateboard for me(not really just made it up) i was looking and got a call form ash

a.hey where are you

j.skateboard for me

a.ok me and cc are coming


i look and look i do not find anything then i saw it it was a purple that came dark then light.the wheel are black and white and it had the swirl thing.

we went home and made sure that aria is not around,but there was a dog and andy.he told me how he got the dog,so anyway we unload the stuff and but in the living room sing happy birthday loud,she came down stirs and said thank you

aria pov

when we were having a good time while eating cake.

ash.aria can i talk to you outside

aria.sure whats up

umm i have to say something

well what is it

he lend in and kiss my lips,i stop me and stared in his eyes

ash i,i can't do this

why not

why not,you sleep with a girl and break up with her in like two days

but your different i willnot do that to you,please be my girlfirend just give me three days to prove it to you

yes,he lend in a kiss me then cc came and ruined it by saying OMJ ARE YOU GUYS DATED yes cc we are,then everyone came out.

sorry that i have not been updating lately i got sick but jam feeling better

My saviour bvbDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora