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THE RIDE HOME from the party was spent in excruciating silence

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THE RIDE HOME from the party was spent in excruciating silence.

Emery wouldn't speak to me or even look at me, but it's not like I could blame her for it. I brought her up to that bedroom, crossed every boundary we had ever set for each other, and then left her alone without an explanation.

But what was I supposed to tell her? Coming clean would be pointless. Letting her know kissing her skin was like finding a beacon of light in the fog that's surrounded me my entire life wouldn't change a damn thing. Touching her felt like coming up for air after being underwater for too long. It was so much more than a hate fuck to me, but to her, that's all it was. It was clear when she left the room with red eyes and puffy cheeks. I was a dick to her. Every tear she may have shed was one hundred percent my fault.

When the front door of my house closes behind us, she makes a beeline for the stairs, but I reach out to clasp a hand around her wrist. Now that I've tasted her... Now that I've been inside her, knowing she's angry with me is like having a knife plunge directly into my heart.

I should let her go. We should head our opposite ways and pretend tonight never happened, but I don't have the willpower to fight this tension between us. Not when I know how good it feels to slide into her. Not when I've heard her soft, pleading moans with my name rolling off her tongue as she cries out in ecstasy.

"We need to talk about this," I tell her.

"Oh, now you want to talk about it?" Tearing her wrist from my grasp, she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. "Just like you said, Everett, we can pretend it never happened."

"Is that what you want?" I ask.

"It's what you want, so that's it. Case closed."

I fight the urge to glance down at her tits on display, propped up from her arms underneath them. There's something severely wrong with me. I shouldn't be finding her attitude hot. I shouldn't want to go for another round with her when my best friend is her ex-boyfriend of eight years, who she is still extremely close to, yet here I am, taking another step closer to her.

"You haven't even asked me if that's what I want. You're just assuming."

She stares at me like I've lost my mind. Maybe I have. "That's what you just said after we fucked, Everett! That same sentence left your mouth. Do you suddenly have amnesia?"

I take another step closer and shake my head. "I don't think so."

Emery's hair which was perfectly wavy when we left only two hours ago, is now wrecked and frizzy—the strands going in all different directions. Her red lipstick is smudged, her eyeliner smeared, yet it's the most beautiful I've ever seen her. She's a sex wreck because of me. I can't speak for her, but she gave me the best sex of my life, and now that I'm all worked up again, I'm starting not to give a fuck about Liam.

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