Marks and hearts

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The next day Draco and Harry woke up still to be at the Malfoys mansion. They were both cuddled up together on dracos bed. Whenever it was around 9:30 that morning Lucius went up to Dracos room to wake them up but whenever he got there he saw them in that position. And it was just the cutest, he couldn't wake them up with them being like that. So he decided to just go back down stairs and try to make a good breakfast. Today Lucius had to meet up with his soon-to-be-ex-wife that away he could sign off on the divorce papers. As much as he loved Narccissa he just couldn't bare the way she did Draco and Harry. Even if it's the "Boy who lived" She should still be supportive of him and not give him such a terrible fvcking time because of it. She should be there for Draco no matter what, she's his mother after all. Lucius just couldn't take it. He loved Narccissa but he just couldn't be with her anymore. He just really hope she finds happiness. Even if it is with a toad... She just needs to be more supportive. Lucius is going to have to go through young-witch/wizard support aswell. And he hated doing that. He already had to do it with one kid. His daughter, Freya. She was a year older then Draco. Although Draco has never ever met his sister before. He didn't really know if he wanted to if he was being honest. Finally after about 5 minutes of Breakfast being ready both of the boys scurried out of bed ready to eat. They were starving. They all sat at the plate and started eating their omelets.
Lucius:"Draco, I have to meet up with the dark lord today".
Draco:"Why so father"?
Lucius:"So he's able to take the death eater marking off of your arm. So we can actually be free from everything".
Draco:"Father, won't the dark lord still try to get harry? I don't want him getting killed. He means way way way too much to me now".
Lucius:"Yesterday, the dark lord said something about him. I complelty forget what he said because I was too dumbfounded".
Harry:"So, will he be attacking me anymore? Trying to kill me"?
Draco:"I hope not".
Lucius:"I don't think so dear, I will surely talk to him today though".
Harry:"Thankyou, Sir".
Lucius:"Don't mention it but please call me father. Your in the malfoy family now".
Harry:"Yes, sorry father".
After breakfast they all got ready. They had their wands within reach just in case. They never knew if the dark lord would play them and try to kill Harry. They really couldn't be too safe when it comes to things like this. Draco was really excited to finally get rid of his death-eater mark. He was finally ready to be happy. Something he's never been before. He's been pretty happy ever since he's gotten with Harry but he will fully know that him and Harry will be safe together once his father talks to the dark lord and once he finally gets rid of this stupid mark. Although Draco really was happy now he still somewhat misses his mom. She was always here for Draco. But when it came to Dracos love life she just completly didn't support it. She was suppose to be his mom and his friend. Not some backstabber like she was being. He never knew or thought of his mother being homophobic like that. He was really upset with his mother. Yet, he still misses her. And Draco doesn't really understand why he misses her. It's more then likely probably because she was always here for him when he was littler and he could always talk to her when he needed to but now she wasn't like that and he couldn't talk to her anymore. Not that he wanted to to be honest. The trio finally got to the dark lord secret hideaway and there were guards wearing black masks whenever they got there.
Bellatrix:"Oh my God, it that the ugly "boy who lived" let me see that hideous scar dear".
Harry:"Shut up!! Stop touching me".
Bellatrix:"Oh dear we wouldn't want you to get hurt now would we"?
Draco runs up and gets infront of Harry to protect him
Draco:"leave him alone Bellatrix".
Bellatrix:"Awwww draky wakey I was just having a little funsies".
Draco:"leave my fvcking boyfriend and I alone stupid whore".
Bellatrix:"D@mn Draco I didn't think you'd stoop down this low".
Draco:"He's not at all bad, now let us through".
They all walk in already annoying at Bellatrix and already regretting coming here. Harry has never been here before so he's a little afraid but not too afraid. I mean he can't really be that afraid. He's survived the dark lord once before, obviously he can do it once more if he has to. They walk down a hallway while Harry is just following his boyfriend and his boyfriends father and suddenly they reach the room they need to be in.
Lucius:"Go on, Draco, you first".
Draco:"Yes father, remember to keep your wands in ready, I don't want any funny business here".
Harry:"Of course".
They walk in the room. The dark lord is in there with his wand in the ready aswell. Harry has never ever seen so many villians in the same room all at once before. It just freaks him out a bit.
Dark lord:"I see you've finally decided to show up lucius".
Lucius:"Yes i have, now please get this marking off my son so we can get out of this place".
Dark lord:"Oh, now, what fun would that be"?
Lucius:"I'm not here to play any games".
Harry gets pretty scared so he goes by and let's Draco hold him for comfort. He feels alot better after this.
Harry whispers to draco:"I don't like this one bit".
Draco:"I know my love, I know, we will be out of here before you know it alright"?
Draco:"I promise".
[Okay back to the big thing;-;]
Lucius:"I just want the mark off of my son so we can be happy for once in our d@mn lives".
Dark lord:"and what if I've just brought you here to duel? Whatcha going to do about that"?
Lucius:"then I'll duel you if I must. But I just want the mark off my son".
Dark lord:"Just bring me his arm d@mn".
Draco walks over there, with Harry still clinging onto him. He doesn't want to leave his side throughout this all. He hates it here. Draco just makes him feel so safe. The dark lord says the spell and it makes the mark go away. Draco almost starts crying because of how happy he now is. He's just so glad it's all over.
Dark lord:"I hope you all are happy. And I will try my best to get rid of my thoughts of killing Harry".
Lucius:"Thankyou so much. I think we will be on our way out now. And yes, me and my family are the happiest we've ever been now".
Dark lord:"Oh, lucius, before you go there's one thing I'd like to tell you".
Lucius:"and what might that be Voldemort"?
Dark lord:"I've stollen your wife, she's been cheating on you with me the whole time anyways. Didn't you always wonder why she has a daughter"?
Lucius:"I knew it. I knew she resembled you. But honestly I don't care anymore. I'll find me someone. I just know it".
Draco:"So mom's a liar and a cheater huh? How fvcking pathetic".
Lucius:"Come on, let's just go, I don't want to be here any much longer".
They all decide to finally fly back to the malfoy mansion. Tomorrow they have to meet with Narccissa so Lucius can sign the divorce papers. He's so glad that he is not with her anymore. He's free. But whenever they got there you will not believe who they saw waiting for them.....

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