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Deep and far out into the ocean a submarine is making its way to their next destination. But the odd thing with this was that the submarine was not completely meant for war and combat, but was definitely capable of holding it's own if needed. However, this submarine in particular was carrying cargo, not very much, but what it was carrying is very valuable for what little there was. And a good portion of the submarine's personnel was highly trained even if most sat at monitors, or were ready to use the weapons if needed, or ready to do maintenance from the inside if necessary.

However, this trip, this shipment was supposed to be short, easy. The course that was planned and set for this shipment was supposed to be clear, but suddenly the radar monitor went off. Which was a result of an object or some sort of marine life that was coming towards them at a rather alarming rate. There was no time to move or send a message, not before it collided with them, causing the entire vessel to tremble and shake. Slight panic started to set in as the crew hurriedly checked each of their monitors over and over again with some trying to assess the damage, or if there was any damage to begin with. Other members of the crew were just trying to get a visual on whatever it was that just hit them.

During this period the captain began to walk back and forth looking over the shoulders of his crew to get an idea on what was going on. While also making a plan for their next course of action based on what he saw and observed. And when he made it to a certain set of monitors that showed the top of the vessel he stopped. Because there he saw a figure, a man, seeming to be pushing against the top of the submarine, making small dents around himself in the process.

The Captain momentarily distracted by the scene, failed to notice the creaking and groaning of the metal around them, but soon alarms started to go off. Looking around for an answer the captain soon turned back to look at the man, and he seemed to be swimming down while pushing the submarine with him. After coming to that realization one of the crew members spoke up telling him that they were now heading down. Another crew member spoke up right after telling him that they were descending fast enough that the pressurization of the submarine couldn't keep up. And soon his fear of what could come next came to be, as the metal of the submarine gave way. And sections of the submarine were flooded before they closed them off, causing even more panic. And not long after the pushing stopped, but the submarine continued to sink from the water it was still taking on.


Normally going back into the sea's embrace was warm and welcoming, as it was blissful and calming. But that's not the case this time, as this is anything but blissful or calm. This time I'm not in control, I can still feel everything around me, but I can't do anything of my own will. Both the sea and its life can tell that there's something wrong, and their worried from me, they can tell I don't want to do this. That I don't want to kill these men and women who haven't done anything to me or the sea. Yet here I am to cause all of this death and destruction just so I can grab its cargo for the greed and ambition of my handlers.

And as I pushed the submarine down I could hear the metal beginning to give way and the alarms going off on the inside. Soon there were cracks in the metal, and with a little more pushing the water burst in. Now I was allowed to go inside through one of the cracks, and if needed I'll widen the gap a bit. And as I searched through the submarine looking for the cargo I had passed so many bodies, but the odd thing was that none of them had faces. However, ignoring that fact I soon ran out of space that the water had already gotten to, so now I had to start braking open the doors– making more bodies in the process– as I worked back to front.

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