Okay, Well I Guess That's It Then Pt 2

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Summary: Arrowverse x MCU Crossover. Two years after you found out that Laurel was cheating on you, you run into her again. In front of your apartment door.

Warnings: no happy ending for Laurel and reader, Natasha's boobs cause that needs to be a warning

Pairings: Laurel Lance x reader (past), Laurel Lance x Oliver Queen (past), Natasha Romanoff x reader (present)

Knock knock knock

You groaned as you lifted your head off your favorite pillow. Looking at the front door, you heard the knocking continue. You got up from your spot on the couch, wondering who was knocking at your door at the time. Opening the door, you felt your heart clench at the sight of emerald green eyes, dirty blond hair, and sculpted cheekbones.

"Hi..." Laurel said, her voice just below a whisper.

"Laurel..." You were surprised, you hadn't seen her in two years. Not since the night you found her in bed with her ex.

After you had kicked her out, you had called Sara Lance, Laurel's sister and your best friend. When she found out what happened, Sara was furious. She helped you get through the next week of your break up, letting you stay in her apartment before you had decided to move away. Sara had agreed, knowing how difficult it would be for you once you returned to the apartment you and Laurel had once shared.

You decided that you would move to New York, hoping to get a fresh start. And you did, because just barely settling into your new life, you had become friends with the Avengers. You had been called by a friend of yours, Bruce Banner. He called saying that he needed your expertise to help stitch up Steve Rogers, Captain America, who had been stabbed in the stomach by a three inch metal rod. The rod had miraculously missed all of his internal organs so you knew that he would recover in no time.

And now, here you were, standing in your loft, staring at the woman who broke your heart into a million pieces.

"How've you been?" She looked down, avoiding eye contact as she toyed with the rings on her fingers.

"'How've you been?' Really? That's what you're gonna ask me right now..." You said, leaning your body against your door frame. You crossed your arms over your chest and kept your guard up.

"I know... that's the dumbest thing to say, but I got nervous... and you know that when I get nervous I start to ramble and when I start to ramble I never sto–"

You cut her off before she could continue with her 'speech'. "Why are you here?" You were tired; you had just gotten back from an 18 hour surgery at the hospital and all you wanted to do was bundle up in your fluffiest blanket and your favorite pillows.

"I wanted to see you..."

"Look, Dinah." You made sure to emphasize the use of her first name, knowing she hated that name. "I just came back from an incredibly long surgery and I would really appreciate it if you didn't just give a half truth. So let me ask you again; why are you here?"

"I really did want to see you... and I miss you. I was hoping that maybe... we could give this another try?" Laurel asked, hopefully. You looked into her eyes in disbelief, the same eyes that you used to love gazing into now made you feel anger and sadness. Even if it had been 2 years since you'd seen Laurel, it didn't mean that the hurt had completely dissipated. After all, you had been with her for 3 years before you caught her sleeping with her ex-boyfriend, Oliver Queen.

"What happened to Oliver?" Your voice was cold, your eyes sharp as you stared at her.

"We... didn't work out," you raised an eyebrow at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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