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  "SO class, the 7 wonders

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"SO class, the 7 wonders. anyone know who they are?"

professor Kim begins to erase the chalk board from the last topic to write a new one; the clock ticks and no one answers. students look at each other knowing that if no one knew the answer, someone had to make up for it.

they all glance at the middle row where a girl with brown hair lay nuzzled into her elbow, napping soundly ignoring the very existence of professor Kim who strides to her desk.

she despised history and couldn't care any less about who changed what. she hated history because she had to draw a portrait of archduke franz ferdinand and explain his life like it isn't already on the internet. and she hated history because of one person in her class.

Beom Yun lays in a drooling daze, not noticing the heat of anger coming from the seething professor. his hand which gripped the eraser slammed onto her desk causing white powder to escape the cloth and land onto her face as she jolted from her deep slumber.

Yun coughed from inhaling the chalk and unknowingly smeared it with her sleeve along with her drool across her face.

"Ms. Beom, its nice knowing you're so invested about history. To tell us about the 7 wonders." he walks back to his desk and leans against it, waiting for an answer.

she swallows and racks her brain for a decent answer that she doesn't know.

  "they're like vampire kings or something." her voice was low but she heard a few students chuckle. professor Kim sighs and shifts his glasses up the bridge of his nose. he paces around the room quietly as students anticipated an answer.

"I guess you're on the right track, though, it is just a fairy tale that they were vampires, because we all know. vampires are not real." Yun sighed and leaned back onto her chair, trying to discreetly stretch.

"the 7 wonders are 7 kings under one kingdom ruled by the park empire, they were an underground group who went AGAINST the kingdom to help their people through the difficulties of war and helped the poor." he went on to further explain, a student then raises their hand for questioning.

"But if they were kings, cant they just you know, get rid of the law keeping them or something?" he slowly nods before answering.

"great question, they weren't kings then, they were only princes." he looks down a his watch and claps his hands together.

"right well, I have a sheet for you guys to do some of your own research. I expect to learn something new by the end of class tomorrow as we are going to be transitioning to do a group project next week about it." he passed the papers around and students begin to grow excited picking their partners but soon their excitement comes to an end.

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