♡United...my ass♡

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The United States of America

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The United States of America.

A country with a bloody history, full of surprises and....racism.


Your clothes (choose the one you like the most) :

Your clothes (choose the one you like the most) :

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I was leaving my house to go to work

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I was leaving my house to go to work. It was 9 p.m and that was when my shift started and I was already a bit late.

I worked in a well known bar in Los Angeles called the "red bunny". I was a barista there and I knew a large variety of cocktails. 

These days the bar was full every night since the elections were coming and it was really frustrating for a lot of us. A lot of ladies were there around 9 p.m, that was probably because they knew at what hour I started working.

I never flirted with them, of course I was kind enough to not break their pretty hearts but I would never flirt or make them think something could really happen between us. I was working with my boss, an old grumpy man that was almost deaf but knew how to spin a bottle in the air. he was the one who made me learn all the  stylish move to pull when doing a cocktail infront of the customers.

I was only 18 years old and normally I didn't have the rights to work in a place where we could sell alcohol but the old man was okay with it so he still accepted me.

American love- Camila MontesWhere stories live. Discover now