♥️Life's about addiction♥️

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Y/N's POV:

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Y/N's POV:


I didn't even have her number, only knew her name but that would get me nowhere. I mean, what can I do ? Life goes on.

It was one week after that night when Camila came at the Red Bunny, one week without looking into her mesmerizing dark eyes, one week without feeling her soft lips on mine.

She contamined my mind like some sort of brain disease that we could still not find the cure to it, she was devouring every little cell of my being.

I was mad at her, even though I knew I had no right to be mad at her but deep down I knew I was. I felt like an addict to heroin that had no more heroin. Life was dull before her, but now, I could taste the bitterness of her not being around.

It's crazy how one night can change everything, I felt like Bella when Edward was not going to school except Twilight is not a lesbian love story and Camila was definitely hotter than any character from that damn book.

I was on the rooftop right now, I could see girls gossiping and smoking downstairs but even though I would have loved joining them to ask for a cigarette, I was too tired to go and talk to anyone except Mark.

In front of me I could watch a few other neon lights from other streets, it was saturday night so of course everyone was going out. Suddenly I heard Mark's voice so I looked down again.

"Has anyone seen the barwoman ?"

Those girls from earlier were almost squealing at the mention of my presence which made me chuckle.

"No no we haven't seen her ! What's her name ? How old is she ?"

Mark sighed and turned to look somewhere else. I was gonna get back to work before making Mark really worried about me. But then, I heard a familiar voice speak amongst the crowd, her voice.

"Her name is none of your business assholes, que vais a ser jodidas"

I blinked multiple times. Camila. She was here, she was fucking here infront of the Red Bunny, trash talking to some drunk girls.

My heart felt like it was beating again, I almost ran downstairs, jumping around like a goddamn kangaroo. I looked outside through the window next to the counter but I could not see her anymore which meant that she was probably inside now.

I looked around, searching for her, needing to see her. Thirty to forty persons were in here, laughing, talking and drinking. Red and blue lights were all over the place forcing me to squint my eyes to have the chance of finding her in the crowd.

I was concentrated on what was happening infront of me and didn't realize that a hand now grabbing me by the shoulder.

"Where were you kid ??"

I turned my head toward Mark and answered, still a bit dazed.

"I was on the rooftop. What's going on ??"

He smiled at me and patted my head. 

"Your time has come now child"

I frowned.

"What ?? Mark we already talked about that, you're not gonna kill me right ?"

He laughed and gently punched me in the shoulder.

"Of course not ! I meant that your customers have arrived so get your ass back to work"

"Okay okay ! Jeez..."


I was done with all the clients and was feeling exhausted. 'In the end...She was not here'

I couldn't understand how she disappeared like that, atleast it got me out of my daydreaming state. Mark playfully pushed me with his hip and said.

'I'll wash the empty glasses. Go take a break !"

I smiled and thanked him before going outside to feel some fresh air on my skin. I really liked my job, during the day I could help my mother and during the night I could work and be more independant.

I was looking at all those groups smoking and debating about some nonsense, I swear I was on the verge of stealing their cigarettes and running away with it. Until..

"You want a cigarette guapa ?"

I turned to where I heard the voice come from, it was her again. I gasped.

"Yes please !"

She chuckled and took out two cigs out of her package, I think that she didn't realize how relieved I was to finally see her. She looked so hot just like the other day, she had that same black eyecountour but this time she tied some strands of her hair in a mini bun.

She smirked and lit up my cigarette before giving it to me and lighting hers up by pressing it to mine. I inhaled and exhaled the smoke, feeling better already.

"Oh god thank you Camila"

She bit her lip while staring at me.

"I like how my name sounds in that pretty little mouth of yours"

My cheeks went completely red and I almost choked with the smoke. She giggled and said.

"I thought you would not even remember it"

I smiled and tried to breathe properly.

"How could I forget your name ?"

She inhaled the smoke and slowly exhaled it onto my face, grinning as she did that.

"Well that's a shame.."

I tried not to look as if I was waiting for each word that would leave her lips and asked rather nervously.

"Oh why's that?"

She rolled her eyes and pointed over a dark alley that was not so far from here.

"You see that alley over there si?"

I took a quick look over there, suddenly interested about what was her point.

"Yes la veo perfectamente"

She got closer to me and whispered in my ear, making soft tingles go all over my body.

"If you had forgotten my name..I would have pressed you against that wall, in that same alley and I would have made you scream my name until you could not utter a single other word."

My eyes widened in shock and excitement at the same time. I was going to reply something but got cut off when a tall boy, probably in his twenties hit me with his shoulder while passing by. He looked at us and then more specifically at Camila and yelled.

"Go back to your country you freak! Before it's too late"

My eyes went ablazed as rage was pumping through my veins. But Camila was quicker and probably angrier.

"What did you just say ??"

I looked at her and her eyes were darker than ever, there were almost made of charcoal at this point with the fire that was burning in them. The boy just laughed. He was drunk, he smelled like whiskey.

"Just watch the news bitch"

She turned back to me with a confused face but this time I talked for her.

"News..What news ?"

But before he could answer that Mark was walking toward us worriedly.

"It's a new law ! Americans coming from Mexico are now considered criminals, so are their children."

Oh shit. Welcome to the United States of America I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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