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"Finally, exams are over. I want to do something fun now."said Light, a 19 years old charismatic college boy.

"Lets celebrate by getting drunk!"
"Yeah lets goooo!"
Said Light's best friends,Mao and Sig.

As the night was flowing,bottles of alcohol kept coming.
In the middle of the session,Light pulled out a ouija board from his tote bag.

"Ai'Light why are you carrying a ouija board?"asked Mao.
"Guys dont you wanna do something fun. Aren't you guys curious if spirits exist or not?"replied Light.
Light was not only charismatic but also extremely curious about the world with adventurous and thrill seeking nature
"Do you seriously believe in these things?"asked Mao
"No,I don't. But what's the problem in trying.Lets do it for fun. Also I'm actually a bit curious. What if spirits do exist?"

"Okay okay buddy, we are ready to play with this." Agreed Sig.

They all went to an abandoned house near their university where the tale said that the whole family met an unfortunate fate.All of them died one by one in the house. Now there only lives bats and mouses.

All of them sat down on the chairs surrounding the dining table.Light put the ouija board on the table. He also took out the candles and lit them.
After narrating the instructions to Mao and Sig about how to use a ouija board,they began asking questions.

"Is there any spirit here?"

The planchette didn't move

"Hello, is there anyone here?"
Again the planchette didn't move.

"Is there any spirit around us ?"
To their astonishment, this time the planchette did move.

"Who the hell moved this?" Asked sig
"No, i didn't"
"I also didn't move it." Replied Mao and Light. Then after seeing Sig's scared face, Light bursted into laughter.
"Sorry guys, I moved it."
Are you crazy?you fricking scared me. Why the hell are you joking around." Cried Sig.
"Ai'Sig sorry.let's do it seriously this time."said Light.

"Is there any spirit here?"
Planchette didn't move.
They kept trying but in vain.Planchette didn't move a single time.

"I was right!These things aren't real. Its all non sense.I'm going back to my condo.its already late. Im tired and sleepy.Bye guys." said Mao and left the abandoned house.
"We should go too."said Sig.
"You go ahead.I want to sit here for some time."
"Fine buddy.Dont sit for too long.See you tomorrow. Bye" left Sig.
Now only Light was left there, all alone, sitting near the ouija board in the dimly lit room.

He kept staring at the ouija board.He decided to try again once for the last time before he leaves.

"Is there any spirit here."
The planchette moved.


Light was shocked. How did it happen?
He further asked"Are you a good spirit?"


As he was hesitantly asking questions, a chilling wind swept through the room, causing the candles to flicker.

"Are you gonna hurt me"


Light trembled with fear. He removed his hand from the ouija board. He kept staring at the board in utter shock.

A shadowy figure emerged,who had been summoned from the depths of the spirit world.It came towards Light crawling silently. It stood up as it reached the table looking towards Light.

The shadow turned into a demonic figure with big horns, long nails,black skin,red eyes and sharp bloody teeth.
Light was still staring at the ouija board.He was not aware of the entity standing beside him.

The demon brought his face near to the Light's face and gave a scary cunning smile.As Light turned his face and looked towards the demonic entity,he penetrated his long nails into Light's left chest where his heart was.Tears fell down Light's eyes.He couldn't speak or react.He realised that he shouldn't have messed up with these things out of curiosity.
In extreme pain,he accepted his fate.The entity ripped off Light's chest and took out his heart leading to the last breath of Light.

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