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It had been a week since that late night encounter at the convenience store. Jisung had been busy with his college work. He'd occasionally run into Minho at the campus as the latter took a few classes there as well.

They'd just greet each other and move on. It's not like there conversation that night ended up awkward or in utter embarrassment. Both just didn't know what to say to each other.

Currently Jisung was at his home. His mind had been straying lately. Back to his past, something which he didn't like to do. Felix had just left and he couldn't possibly call the other back. Jisung doesn't know how long he had been staring at the same spot on the wall until someone knocked on his door.

He slowly got up and walked to it wondering who it could be. Maybe Felix? Did he forget something? Jisung opened the door and was met with the Lee Minho.

"Minho...... Hyung?"

"Yeah you didn't check your phone, I texted you. You didn't reply so I asked Felix which apartment you stayed in." He said bluntly as he looked at the younger.

"Oh why?"

This left the older dumbfounded. "Jisung are you okay? You seem a little off?"


That's all it took to make the younger bawl out in tears. The waterworks had come and the faucet was no longer able to be closed.

This shocked Minho as he immediately walked inside and hugged the boy closely, closing the door with his foot.

"Hey shh what's wrong? Did something happen?" The younger shook his head as he sobbed loudly.

"Okay can you tell me what you need Jisungie?"

"C... cuddles." He managed to get out between sobs. Minho nodded and grabbed Jisung's thighs to lift him up and carry him to the couch.

He plopped himself down on it along with Jisung and got comfortable while Jisung adjusted himself to lay comfortable in his hyung's arms. Minho played with Jisung's hair just weaving his fingers through it.

He whispered sweet nothings into his ear until he could feel the younger had fallen asleep by his breathing.

He smiled softly as he grabbed his phone and just scrolled on it to keep himself busy, never taking out his fingers from Jisung's hair.


A few hours later Jisung woke up he was laying on the couch. He couldn't remember how he got there. He only knew Minho hyung had come here and he started crying.

Wait Minho hyung -

"I'm still here." A voice said and he turned to see Minho. It's like the older knew Jisung was panicking. He had a panicked look on his face but visibly relaxed when he saw Minho.

"Why didn't you leave?"

"I didn't think it would be the right thing to do, to leave you alone in this state. Are you hungry? I made you some dinner."

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