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Minho stayed at home as he watched Jisung leave for college. He took the plates and put them in the sink.

He let the water run to do the dishes. As he was doing the dishes his mind was elsewhere.

Poor Jisung to have gone through that at such a young age. It's horrible and the fact that this man won't give up even now when he's an adult.

He's gonna protect Ji no matter what. He doesn't know why he's so hellbent on protecting the younger or why he's so calm around him.

He feels at ease around the younger. He feels this pull that keeps drawing him to the younger. The younger felt a bit like home. He felt like he can relate to the younger. Now he knows he can.

He feels sorry for the younger but feeling sorry doesn't do anything about it. He just wants the younger to smile that beautiful heart shaped smile of his. To stuff his cheeks with food while he eats.

To be his cheery and adorable self. Because he's so damn cute and innocent. The way his confidence switches is always fun to see and he absolutely loves it when Jisung feels confident in himself to say certain things.

Wait -

Oh shit-

He's smiling and his cheeks are burning up. All he did was think about Jisung. No he can't -

But he does -

But he can't possibly.

But he does..

He has a mayor crush on the little squirrel.

He sighed if explains so many things. He closed his eyes for a second before opening them. He made up his mind.

He can't date Jisung even if he wanted too, so after he helps him take care of Joohan he'll distance himself from the squirrel boy.

It's what is best for him.

It didn't bring him any joy to be even thinking about this. He just hopes he doesn't break the boy's heart.

He finishes with the dishes before heading to the bathroom to go and take a shower. He got out of the steamy shower and looked in the mirror. His brown hair was getting kinda boring for him.

Maybe he should dye it again. But what color? Maybe he should go for a smooth dark purple? Or a light orange?

He shrugged, he'll just drop by the convenience store after stopping by the police station. Minho gets dressed as he dries his hair.

He wears tight leather black pants with a white blouse on top of it. He rolled up the sleeves up to his elbows.

He added a chain to his pants before walking over to his vanity. He took some silver rings and put them on. He put in a dangly earring in one ear and a stud in the other.

He walks out of his room before grabbing the keys from the table and walking to the door to put on his shoes.

After his shoes were all tied and done he grabbed his coat and walked outside. He closed the door and locked it before walking across the street.

He unlocked his car and got in. The police station was about 10 minutes by car. He plugged in his phone and astronomy by Conan Grey started playing.

Minho put his car into gear and drove off jamming to the song.


He finally got to the station and parked his car. He got out of the car and walked inside.

He headed to the front desk where the lady gave him literal heart eyes.

Girl please even if I was that desperate I'd never. You're no Han Jisung so don't even try. 



"Hi with what can I help you today?"

Minho averted his gaze. "I'd like to report a crime."

"Oh sure would you like me to get you an officer?"

"Yes please."

"Okay sir."

She winked and walked off.

She came back a few minutes later with an officer. "All right sir if you would please follow me." He said as he turned around to walk to his desk.

Minho sat in front of it. "Okay sir what crime would you like to report?"

"I'd like to report a crime of domestic violence, stalking, hostile threats and illegal actions."

"Okay can you tell me more sir?"

"Yes Han Joohan, he's the father of Han Jisung and he's been abusing the poor boy since he was 5 years old. Jisung moved out when he was sixteen to get away. But the man kept on following him and making his life hell. He's called Jisung many names and has abused him. He hired someone to track him down and is planning to do some illegal thing to Jisung as he worded it. I don't know what but he has threatened to kill the boy before."

"This all happened since his mother left so she wouldn't be off any use. We have no concrete proof of it but he's been in the hospital quite a lot with very severe wounds courtesy of his father."

"Well without proof we can not do much. These are serious accusations so I don't think you'd be throwing them around just like that."

He looked to his computer screen and typed some stuff.

"Han Joohan, he has no criminal record so we can't go off there. His wife's name is Yang Nina. Looks like she's here in Seoul, in Gangnam. See if you can try to talk to her and maybe she knows something or can provide some proof of sorts. I'll try to dig into it more."

"Oh okay thank you so much officer!"

"Yeah no problem, here's the address of Yang Nina." He scribbled it down on a piece of paper. "Leave your name and phone number at the front desk."

"Alright thank you."

Minho got up and walked to the front desk. "I need to leave my name and number for officer Lee." Minho stated. She nodded and gave him a piece of paper.

He wrote down the information necessary and handed the paper back to him. "Please do not contact me for anything but the case. I'm a busy person and I'd like to spend as much time as possible with my boyfriend."

The girls face dropped into a frown. "O..of course sir. Have a nice day sir." She sounded defeated.

Minho did not need a thirsty girl like her after him. He may be bisexual but he's always swung a little more to the gay side.

Minho walked back to his car and checked the address. He also checked the time. He'd go to the convenience store first to get some hair dye, dye his hair and then go to visit her.

As it is currently noon it's not exactly the right time to be at someone's door step.

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