'testing' day

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      It had been a week since Scp 035 had moved into the containment cell. It was testing day even though having Scp 035 and Scp 049 live together was already like something the foundation would in one of the 'tests' they put the anomalies through. Even though the 'tests' are more like unethical human experiments, they still had to do them. "I know they told you two that this was going to be test, but we are not doing that, we are doing something more like an interview." A man was standing at the doorway, looking at the two. "let's go" the man lead the two down a hallway, Scp 035 tried to leave but was stopped by one of the guards. Both of the anomalies were escorted by the man, down the hallway for a while. Until they stumble upon a door of some sort, "Get in" the man pointed at the door as opened. The two walked into the room, the door closed shortly after the man walked

Scp 035 and Scp 049 looked at the other and back at the man. "Hello Scp 049 and Scp 035, we are just here to see if your behavior has changed after being in the same containment cell for..." man walk down at his paper and clipboard he was holding, "one week." The three sat in silence for a minute or two "can you tell me your name." Scp 049 asked the man "my name is dr.John""A fellow doctor nice to meet you". Scp 035 looked at Scp 049 and Dr.John talking, feeling jealousy? He did not know for sure that was what he was feeling at that point of time "am here too, so can you just ask the questions I know you are and let us leave." Scp 035 looked at the two, "I was just talking to dr.John, Scp 035, but you do point, dr.John, what are you going to ask us because I have to get back to cure the Pestilence from people" Dr.John looked back down at his clipboard, "I think we end here."

     The anomalies and the man walked out of the room but some thing was different, but after the anomalies got back to the containment cell things got kind-of out-of-hand. "Scp 035 why Did You do That!" Scp 049 had not yell a lot so this was new Scp 035 "I do not know why, But Why Did You talk so much to Weird Man!" "Because he was a fellow doctor, What am to do." Scp 035 picked up a chair, "I Do Not Know, talk to him less... but. am sorry." He put down the chair "what?" Scp 049 looked at him, "Am sorry, I do no know, am sorry." "Scp 035 why telling me this are you okay, you do not have the Pestilence so what is it?" "It is all good, good 'friend' I am all good" "okay let's just talk about it in the morning, I am going to get work." 

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