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June 2024, Senior year Graduation

I'm pregnant.

LOL nah I'm joking.

We sat in the arena, scattered and looking around in excitement for the ceremony to begin. Today was finally the day that we graduated college. And it's gone by way too fast.

I'm graduating with my bachelor's in business. Everyone else is getting their bachelor's degree too. But I won't list them out.

Lauren was in the crowd, excitedly waiting for my name to get called up. She held a photo of Grandma in the crowd. She's still with us. In our hearts.

I look to my left and nudge Jean, whose last name's letter is before mine. He excitedly looks at me.

"I'm shitting myself. I'm about to be a bachelor's degree earner..." He tells me. I chuckle.

"I know. Pretty weird...I'm ready to go home. Why do these things take so long?" I ask no one in particular. Jean scoffs.

"It's getting hot as fuck too. These robes and caps are making me sweaty," He complains with me.

"Can all my business majors line up next to the stage, row by row, by last name?" They announce. I stand up excitedly as I waited for the rows in front of me to line up. My row walks to the side of the stage. I hear Lauren cheering for me loudly and chuckled.

I patiently waited for my name to be called. All of a sudden, I was next up. My heart raced as I held onto the railing of the steps, waiting for my name to be called. Silence after the last applause.

"...Y/n L/n, Bachelors in Business," They announced. I went up the stairs proudly and approached my degree. I hear Lauren and the friend group screaming for me. I turn to look at them and laugh at them before stepping down. I approached my row from the left side, where the J category was sitting. I walk past them and see Eren waiting for me to walk past him. He smiles at me excitedly before standing up and hugging me. He sinks his face into my neck and kisses me.

"Proud of you," He speaks into my ear. I chuckle before letting him go and giving him a quick kiss. I approached my seat and sat down. Jean holds his fist out. I bump his fist with mine.

"Graduate. I'm a graduate now," I boast. He chuckles.

"And you're lucky that Eren's in the same row. Armin's all the way up there," He complains. I snicker.

"You're gonna walk by him too, dumbass," I tell him.


After an hour and a half of name-calling and diploma-giving, it was time to wrap up the ceremony.

"After all of our hardships and struggles, whether we were struggling to get by or born with a silver spoon, we all sit here today, in the same arena, equal with one another. Degrees, an accomplishment that some here may be the first in their family to receive or the fourth. There is no distinction in success when your end goal makes you feel the same; Complete! Congratulations class of 2024! You are dismissed!" They excitedly dismiss us. We stand up and cheer loudly as we all ran to each other to gather. I hug Jean, who hugs me back tighter. We held hands as we approached whoever we could find in the friend group. Since we were in the same row, we found Eren first.

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