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Felix POV:

I was in English, my last class for the day. I have dance practice right after this so that means I will have to stay after school. I was zoning out thinking about nothing but just going to the dance room, it's like my safe space, nobody but my dance instructor, Minho, would be there.

I let myself travel into my mind but I hear the bell go off, I shove my notebook into my bag and put it over my shoulder. I stand up and dart out of the room, I could finally breathe again without those annoying people.

I speed walk to the dance room which is all the way upstairs, I put my headphones on and put on any song I can click on. I was just jamming to the song I had on and I almost passed my dance class since I wasn't paying attention, thank God for Minho seeing me walking away.

" Felix, this is like.. the 3rd time you keep walking into the wrong area! Jeez.." Minho says as I take off my headphones. I only smile and tie my shoes that where untied as I walked. Me and Minho were just having small talk and chilling.

Of course, we had to start dancing. I go to the middle of the dance room and look at myself in the mirror, Minho stands next to me. He does some moves and I copy him, like we always do. " Oh! By the way, we have a new person who wants to join dance practice, we could finally be three instead of a duo!" Minho says, smiling at me and helping me correct my incorrect moves.

" Oh, that's great! What's his or her name?" I ask, honestly really curious. " I don't know yet, all I know is this tall blonde came up to me and asked if he could join, I said of course though. " Minho let's out a sigh, I keep doing a step incorrectly and it's been like this for the past three days.

I don't know why but my body randomly just moves, making me mess up in this once piece of the dance. " Felix, are you sure you don't have tics or anything like that?" Minho stops dancing and just stares at me from the mirror. I let out a loud sigh.

" Minho, I'd know if I have tics, I don't though. It's just.. I guess something gets triggered when I dance.." I mumble out,  It's gotten really annoying since I went to the doctors yesterday and they don't know what's wrong. They took blood tests, tested my reflexes, etc. Nothing came back from those tests.

" You know, each time I get those random movements, I get kinda dizzy.. so, let's call this problem dazed!" I say, smiling like a kid. Minho only gives me a playful smirk before starting to dance again. " Sure, do what you want, Felix. " 

+Time skip: after practice+

I was somewhat sweating, not to bad though. I almost have the messed up part prefected so I just need to keep trying. " I've noticed the random movements look like a dance, don't know why but.. it just.. does.." Minho comes up from behind me, handing me a water bottle.

I giggle at what he said and just let it slide. The cold water feels nice after a long session of dancing. " When does this new kid join us again?" I ask, gulping down the freezing water. " Next practice, which is in 5 days!" The brown haired said. I only nod and stretch again.

" I think I'ma head back home Minho, cya tomorrow morning!" I stand up and grab my bag, throwing it over my shoulder and I wave to him, he waves back.

I pull out my phone and put my headphones on, I put on music once again and shove my phone in my back pocket. I'm jamming to music as I'm walking with my head looking at my feet.

Everything was going smoothly until I accidentally bumped into someone, it was like hitting a brick wall. Me and the person both fell and I stayed dazed for a bit, until I finally look up to see a blonde haired guy, someone I've seen around campus before.

" Shit I'm so sorry- I got distracted by the trees!" He quickly says, standing up and sticking out his hand. I let out a chuckle and grab his hand, he pulls me up with ease. " It's okay don't worry! Are you okay though? That fall was kinda tough.." I rub the back of my head, smiling at the tall dude.

" I'm fine! I just busted my hand a little.. but my dad is a doctor so I have supplies, thanks for asking though." He gives me a warm smile before waving to me, I wave back. We go are separate ways an I make it home safely. " Yongbok-ah!" I hear someone yell, clearly it was my mother.

" What mum?" I yell back, taking off my shoes and putting them neatly near the door. " You came just in time! Your sisters are back from school a long time ago and I just made dinner, come to the kitchen to eat!" She yells back, I smile brightly, knowing my mum cooks the best.

Hyunjin POV:

" Dad, I'm home!" I yell out. " Ah! Hyunjin -ah!" I hear my dad yell back, soon I hear footsteps. I take off my shoes right away and put them aside. "I got some take-out earlier. Also, did you get accepted to that dance club you wanted to join?" Dad says, having a wide smile on his face.

" Yes dad, I actually did! Also thanks, I'm really hungry after studying for so long." I say, smiling back and following my dad into the kitchen. " I bumped into this guy and we both fell, so I kinda hurt my hand.." I rub the back of my nape, sticking out my hand that was still bleeding.

" Hyunjin -ah! Your so clumsy.. go rinse it off, after we eat I can help you treat it." He says, getting the food out of the bag. I only nod and go to the kitchen sink. My lips form a smirk thinking about the guy I bumped into, Lee Felix.

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