Adventures in bunny-sitting

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Kara was sleeping in her room then she heard knocking.

Kara: *groans* Stupid super-hearing.

Jeremiah Danvers: Kara, your friends are here.

Kara: What? Who's coming over here this early?Babs

Her door opened and (Y/N) and Zee came into her room as Zee had two rabbits in separate cages in her hands.

Zee: Hello Kara dear: my pride and joy.

(Y/N): hey Kara how have you been?

Kara: Pride and huh?

Zee: This is Blackberry Hazel von Hausle III, and this is Dandelion Pipkin de Heisenplay.

Kara: M'kay. Why are they in my room and why is (Y/N) here?

(Y/N): Zee wanted me to come

Zee:Uh, hello. We had a whole text thing about it last night.

Zatanna showed her a text that was very long as Kara had a text that said whatev.

Kara: Whatev.

Zee: Please, Kara! You simply cannot flake on me now! This is my very first paid performance as a solo magician, and I need you and (Y/N) to care for my two little lovelies while I'm away.

Kara: Can't you just take them with you? Aren't they, you know, part of your act or something?

Zee: *scoff* These are magical rabbits, my dear.They might be a bit much for a children's birthday party. Now, where can I put them?

Kara: I don't know, put them over there.

Zee then saw that Kara's room was a mess.

Zee: *gasp* On this floor? Ugh. Hold these. *She used her magic to clean up the mess.* Now, there are only a few simple rules to bear in mind. First, they must be given only organic vegetables, cut into segments no larger than an inch cubed. And I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to limit the cruciferous vegetables, as little Blackberry Hazel von Hausle III has had some issues with stomach discomfort recently. Then of course, they'll need access to fresh water at all times, no cooler than 57 degrees Fahrenheit, that's around 13.5 degrees Celsius. Ooh, and very important, when it's time for their brushing-

Kara: *stammering* How long are you gonna be gone?

Zee: Eh, no more than an hour. *She used her magic and made a poster of herself.*Now, as to the brushings. Three strokes gently to the left, then five strokes gently to the right.Kara: Yeah, yeah, I got it.

Zee: Oh, okay. Oh, well, there is one more rule.

Kara: Dude!

Zee: Th-th-th-this is the most important rule of all. You both do not, under any circumstances, put these two together. Do you understand?

(Y/N): Sure.

Kara: Whatev.

Zee: *squeal* Thank you, Kara! Mummy's gonna miss you lovelies. See you soon! Bye-ee!

rabbits squeaked as zee left Kara looked at the bunnies then put them down as she looked at them.

(Y/N): alright watching bunnies, this should be easy. Right Kara? *looks at Kara* Kara?

He looked and saw Kara admiring the bunnies

Kara: Who's the cutest little bunny-wunnies of all bunny-wunnies? It's you, isn't it? Yes, yes. Oh, are you the sweetest little magical bunnies? Are you? Are you the sweetest and magicaliest? I think so. Yes, I do.

(Y/N): uhh who are you and what have you done with Kara

Kara: Wait, did I just say that stuff out loud?

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