03. flowers on flowers on flowers

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It had been one week since his "incident", and every day since then a new bouquet of flowers had arrived, one more eleqant and ravishing than the next. 

And every day, the staff at the Valecia household were instructed to place them in an empty to be kept  and shrivel away. The staff loved the flowers however, and kept them alive, hoping one day that the Calysta would see them and appreciate them.

But Calysta was running on limited time. Swamped in paperwork and meetings, there was barely enough time for her to even eat. She had taken on a lot of Pa's work and responsibilities, and she now understood why he wasn't there during most of her childhood. Pa had to protect her and the family, and in order to do that he needed to keep working. There was no time in this business for dilly-dallying of any sort. Another reason why a wedding was so unlikely, there was no time to have one.

"Yes, Mr Delarus, I will meet with you tonight. Okay, good bye now" Calysta said into the phone, and then sighed, putting away that file for tonight, and then grabbing a new one out of the stack to work on.

There was knock on the door.

"Come in" Calysta said, and the door opened to reveal Jared with a letter.

"For you, already been scanned" he said. Calysta nodded, as Jared gave her the letter, and Calysta opened it. Jared wanted to be there for the opening of it, but the look that Calysta gave him made him quickly leave the room. Calysta was undoubtedly one of the most terrifying women, despite how gorgeous she was.

Calysta finished opening the letter when the door was closed. Each letter that was now addressed to her had to be scanned, in case there was something life threatening inside.

Miss Valecia

You have disappointed me greatly. I would have thought by now you would have found me, but clearly you are not as smart or cunning as I have originally thought. Your reputation preceeds you. I am not close, but close enough. If you do not find me soon enough, you know what will happen.

good luck on the hunt, 

your devoted love

"He needs to die now" Calysta mumbled, and went back to her work. She had received the first messages from Pa more than a week ago, and has been working diligently to get a hold of this guy. She knew who he was, exactly who, and what he wanted. I wanted to shoot this guy with as many poisoned bullets as his body could hold. There was no one that Calysta held more hatred and distaste for. 

"Jared, I need you or Pa to do the Delarus meeting tonight" Calysta said as she got him on the phone.

"Okay" Jared said, as she hung up the phone. 

Jared was nervous. The Delarus' were a large client of theres, and Calysta would never cancel a meeting unless it was of great importance. It must have been the letters she had been receiving since the meeting with Pa. Jared had been kicked out of the meeting, but Jared knew it had to do with a letter that Pa received, and the subsequent letters that Calysta received. 

Jared wanted to walk into Pa's room and ask what was going on, but he knew he couldn't do that. Calysta would cut his hands off.  She hated when people meddled in her affairs, personal or not.

Jared headed back to my office to do some paperwork reluctantly.

A few hours later, at around 3pm, when Jared's meeting would be at 3:45, there was a visitor.

"hello?" Jared asked, as he picked up the phone.One of the guards had called him to tell him that there was a visitor who wished to see Calysta.

"he says his name is Alessandro deGarda" the guard said. Jared sighed. Calysta will kill the bastard. This was not good timing.

"Tell him to come to my office" he said and hung up.

Only a few moments later, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Jared said, as the door opened to reveal Alessandro.

"Calysta is extremely busy right now"Jared said, and Alessandro sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"she's been 'busy' for the past week. I need to talk to her, to apoligize. She can't be this busy. She's avoiding me" he said, and Jared sighed, hanging his head a bit.

"I wish I could tell you that was it, but she is. I don't know much, but Calysta has assigned me to do her meetings tonight." Jared said, and Alessandro realized that she really was this busy. He knew to let the second-in-command go to the meetings meant that there was something of extreme importance happening. Either death or sickness usually was the case.

"Is she alright?" Alessandro asked, worried. Jared nodded.

"In good health that I can tell" he replied, leaving Alessandro in more confusion.

"I wish I could tell you more but that is all that even I know" Jared said, sympathetically.

"Thank you" Alessandro said, and walked out towards the main door, but stopped and turned around.

"Will you tell her that I was here? I would really like to talk with her" Alessandro, told Jared, and he nodded in response,  as he then followed his original route and headed back to his car.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2013 ⏰

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