Chapter 2: Warmth of Welcomes

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As they walked toward the forest, Nier led the Avengers and explained, "The forest is infested with shades. We have to be careful."

Iron Man responded, "Ah don't worry kid, nothing we can't handle right guys?

The Avengers shared determined looks, ready to face whatever awaited them. Suddenly, a large group of shades emerged from the darkness, their glowing eyes fixated on the intruders.

Captain America wasted no time, charging forward with his shield raised as a defensive barrier. His strategic moves allowed him to swiftly dismantle the shades, striking them down one by one.

Black Widow and Hawkeye swiftly joined the fray, their movements and expert marksmanship at full display. Arrows found their targets, while hand-to-hand combat techniques subdued any shades that dared to draw close.

Thor summoned the power of his lightning, sending electrifying bolts cascading through the forest. The shades, vulnerable to the godly energy, were consumed by the electrifying force, leaving only dissipating remnants in their wake.

Hulk, fueled by his relentless rage, bulldozed through the surrounding trees, leaving a path of destruction in his wake. His sheer strength and overwhelming presence reduced the shades to mere obstacles that crumbled under his mighty fists.

Nier watched in amazement at the Avengers' abilities, saying, "Wow that's awesome!"

Once the fight was over, they headed back towards the village. Hawkeye turned to Nier and asked, "Do you have any idea where we can find more of these shades?"

Nier replied, "They usually appear at night or when it's overcast. You can find them lurking in the shadows."

Iron Man glanced at Nier, a smirk forming on his face. "Well, lucky for us, we're not afraid of the dark."

"We should rest up first. We've had a long day, and the Hulk hasn't eaten yet," Black Widow said.

Nier turned to the Avengers, extending an inviting offer. "You must be hungry after all that fighting. Why don't you come to my house for dinner?"

The Avengers exchanged glances, their weariness tempered by the warmth of Nier's gesture. Captain America spoke for the group, expressing gratitude. "That sounds great. Thank you for the invitation."

As they began the journey back to the village, Nier told the Avengers what they should expect at his house. "Our house is pretty big. So if you guys wanted to you could stay over until you figure out how to get back to your world, you can," he offered.

"Our? Who else lives with you?" Thor inquired.

Nier's gaze softened as he replied, "I live with my little sister, Yonah."

"Sister? How old?" Black Widow asked gently.

"She's 7... She's been sick for a long time," Nier explained. "But she never complains. She's always so brave."

The Avengers exchanged nods, their expressions filled with empathy as they walked back to the village in silence. There was a newfound connection forming between the team and Nier, a sense of camaraderie was beginning to form. Despite being just a young teenager, Nier exhibited a remarkable resilience that left an impression on the Avengers.


Nier led the Avengers to his house, where Yonah awaited inside. As they approached the front door, Hulk's massive size became apparent, posing a challenge for him to fit through the narrow entrance.

"Hulk too big for this door. Hulk smash!" he grumbled in frustration.

Iron Man swiftly intervened, realizing the potential consequences. "Whoa, whoa, big guy. We don't want to do that," he cautioned, trying to keep the situation under control.

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