Chapter 11: Bonds Forged

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Nier slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurred, and his body felt achy all over. He tried to sit up, but a gentle hand pressed against his shoulder, urging him to lie back down.

"Take it easy, Nier," a familiar voice said. "You've been through quite a lot."

Nier blinked a few times, the fog in his mind starting to clear. As his vision sharpened, he saw the face of Popola, the kind and caring administrator of the village.

"You're in the village clinic," Popola continued, adjusting the bandages around Nier's chest. "You suffered some injuries, but you're going to be alright."

Nier managed a weak smile. "Thanks, Popola," he said, his voice still raspy.

Popola's expression softened. "You're welcome, Nier. Just rest and let your body heal."

Nier nodded, feeling grateful to have someone he could trust looking after him. He glanced around the small, well-lit room. There was a well-crafted wooden examination table covered with clean linen sheets. Nearby, a wooden cabinet held neatly arranged jars and vials of medicinal herbs, potions, and other remedies. Various tools of the healing trade, such as bandages, tweezers, and scissors, were neatly arranged on a tray. He noticed Grimoire Weiss lying on a nearby table, looking slightly worse for wear but apparently conscious.

"Weiss, it's good to see you," Nier murmured, relieved to see his companion in one piece.

"After he recovered, he refused to leave your side. You're lucky to have such a protective book," Popola said.

"Hmph, luck has nothing to do with it," Weiss replied with a touch of arrogance. "I simply find his survival to be necessary for my own existence."

Nier couldn't help but smile at Weiss's dismissive response. Despite the book's aloof nature, he knew deep down that Weiss cared more than he let on. "Thanks, Weiss," Nier said with gratitude. 

Nier then turned to face Popola once again. "What happened?" he asked.

The last Nier remembered he was in the midst of an intense fight with Ultron alongside Kaine and the Avengers. 

"You were in the Junk Heap. You and the others were fighting against another one of the Avengers' enemies," Popola explained. "He had taken control of the machines and was set on destroying everything."

"I remember that part. But what happened after?" Nier inquired.

"After the battle, Thor managed to carry you back to the village. You were all pretty badly injured, but we were able to stabilize you here at the clinic."

"How are the others?" Nier asked, his concern evident in his voice.

"They are recovering," Popola reassured him. "Your new friends are strong and resilient, just like you."

Suddenly, a knock came at the door. 

"Come in," said Popola. 

The door creaked open, and there stood Devola as she stepped into the room. The moment she saw Nier awake, a smile went across her face.

"Hey there, sleepyhead," Devola said to Nier gently. "Glad to see you're awake."

Popola turned to her sister. "What brings you here?"

Devola glanced back at Popola with a slightly apologetic look. "I'm sorry to disturb you, sis, but it looks like your needed back at the library. The old man is putting up quite a fuss about finding a book on old-world vehicles."

Popola nodded understandingly. "Of course, I'll be right there. I just wanted to make sure Nier is alright."

"I'm fine, really," Nier chimed in, not wanting to be the reason for any inconvenience.

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