Chapter 3: From Hunger to Hope

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The Avengers wake up to the delicious smell of breakfast filling the house. They all gather in the kitchen to see Nier putting the finishing touches on a big feast.

"We certainly did. Thank you," Captain Rogers replied gratefully.

Clint caught a whiff of the delightful aroma. "This smells amazing! Looks like we've got a little chef in our midst."

Tony smirked. "I'll reserve my judgment until I've tasted the food. Let's not hand out titles prematurely."

Just then, Natasha walked into the room and playfully smacked Tony on the back of his head in response to his comment.

"Ow," Tony winced. "Well, good morning to you too, Natasha."

"Save the snarky remarks for back home," Natasha retorted, but there was a playful glint in her eyes.

Nier chuckled, appreciating the banter. "I thought a hearty breakfast would be a great way to start the day."

As they sat down to eat, the Avengers complimented Nier on the delicious food. Hulk especially seems to be enjoying himself in his spot outside, devouring plate after plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes.

"Well done," Thor commended with a satisfied grin, pausing between bites. "You possess remarkable culinary skills, Nier. Volstagg himself would be proud had he been here to witness this feast."

Nier shrugged modestly. "It's just something I picked up over the years. I like to make sure everyone has a good meal."

Yonah spoke up. "My brother is really good at cooking."

Nier smiled but then winced slightly at Yonah's next comment. "Next time, I'll cook for everyone," she declared, looking around the table.

Nier cleared his throat. "Uh, Yonah, I don't think that's such a good idea," he said, looking at her with concern.

Yonah looked confused. "Why not? I'm a good cook, too."

"It's not that, Yonah," Nier said. "It's just that...well, you know how you get when you're in the kitchen."

Yonah's face fell as she remembered the last time she tried to cook. "Oh... right. Sorry," she says, looking down at her plate.

"It's okay, Yonah," Nier said, trying to cheer her up. "We can always cook together sometime."

Yonah smiled at the idea. "That sounds like fun," she said.

Captain America looked up from his breakfast and smiled. "This was a nice meal, Nier. Thank you."

Nier returned the smile, "It's no problem at all. You guys need to keep your strength up."

Just as the pleasant atmosphere settled in the room, Weiss floated into their midst, his presence catching everyone's attention.

"Mmm, yes. How very generous of you to cook such a lovely breakfast for our esteemed guests," Weiss remarked. "However, I must point out that you seem to have exhausted all your supplies, both for this morning's meal and last night's dinner."

The sudden intrusion of Weiss's voice startled the Avengers. They were still getting accustomed to the floating book.

Nier's expression shifted slightly. He had overlooked the amount of food supplies he would need in order for the Avengers to stay for an extended period. That was something that had to be rectified as soon as possible.

"We'll head to the market stands in the village and get more supplies. We'll find everything we need there," Nier proposed.

The Avengers nodded and began putting away their plates.

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