Chapter 4: Intermission; The Twins

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Devola and Popola sat in their private quarters in the library, their expressions serious and contemplative. They had met the Avengers, a group of powerful and influential individuals from another world. While they seemed well-meaning, Devola and Popola were deeply concerned about the potential threat they posed to Project Gestalt, the sole purpose of their existence.

"Popola, I'm not so sure about these Avenger guys you know?" Devola said, her voice low and urgent. "We don't know anything about them. For all we know, they could seriously threaten Project Gestalt."

Popola nodded slowly. "I understand your concerns, Devola. In fact, normally I'd agree with you. But look at their strength! We have to consider the possibility that they could also be our greatest asset. If we can work with them, we may be able to complete the project."

Devola shook her head. "I don't know, sis. Are you sure It's a risk we can afford to take?"

Popola sighed. "With the shades loose, we can't do this alone. If we can get them to help Nier retrieve the verses, we can finally fulfill our purpose. "

Devola nodded reluctantly. "You're right, Popola. But we have to be careful. We can't reveal too much about Project Gestalt. We have to protect it at all costs."

Popola nodded in agreement. "Agreed, Devola. We'll be cautious. We won't reveal anything that could compromise the project."

The two sisters sat in silence for a moment, lost in thought. They knew that the fate of Project Gestalt rested on their shoulders, and the potential involvement of the Avengers only added to the weight of their responsibility. They would have to tread carefully and make sure that they didn't make any missteps. The future of humanity depended on it.

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