Ch.12 Boy or Girl?

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~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I'm so sorry for taking a long time to update! I just haven't found enough time to update but I just graduated and now I'm hoping I will find enough time to update this summer. Thank you for waiting patiently and I hope you like the next couple chapters that are coming to you soon :) enjoy it and please don't be silent readers! Let me know what you think! Xoxo 97chinita22.

It's been 5 months since I found out I was pregnant and today is one of the most important days of my life!

I get to find out the sex of my baby!

My mom thinks it's a girl but something in my gut feeling tells me it's a boy.

"Hello again Mia! Are you ready to find out the sex of your baby?" Asked my doctor as he walked into the room.

Doctor Mendoza was tall, brown skin tone and a smile that goes perfect with his personality.

"Yes I really want to know the sex of my child!"I replied.

"Well let's take a look." He said as I uncovered my humongous stomach.

I felt the chills as the cold gel touched my body.

"Over here we have the baby's head, so let's go over here towards the legs." He said.

My baby looked perfect even if I couldn't see his or her face.

"Well Mia here we have the private part and it's a boy! Congratulations it's a boy!" He said with joy.

A boy I knew he was going to be a boy!

I cried of happiness!

"Mom it's a boy! I told you it was going to be a boy!" I said to her.

My mother who was also crying of joy said "un niño!"

"Here are your photographs of the baby boy." Said doctor Mendoza as we walked out.

" I can't wait to tell Jose!" I said looking at the pictures.

"Mia Jesus and David are going to be so excited!" Said my mother.

"I know they also wanted it to be a boy!" I replied.

We got to the apartment and I waited for Jesus to come home from work so I can tell him and David at the same time.

When Jesus came home he walked directly towards me and asked "so what is it a boy or a girl?"

"Yes tell us already" said David jumping up and down.

I took out the pictures from my purse, held them up and said "it's a boy!"

"Awww congrats hermanita!" Said Jesus as he hugged me.

"Yay a boy! I'm going to teach him how to do a lot of stuff!" Said David.

The next day I got to school and all the homegirls walked up to me.

"What are you having!" Shouted Lupe.

"Well girls you all know I had a feeling and I was right! I'm having a baby boy!" I said as I rubbed my stomach and held the pictures with another hand.

"Omg that's so fucken cute!" Said dreamer.

"And guess what else!" I said with excitement.

"What?" They all asked with their faces full of confusion.

"Jose is being released tomorrow!!" I said with a huge ass smile on my face.

"Oh good for you!" They said but I know they weren't that happy since Jose is the enemy.

The next day I didn't go to school because Jose said he would come right over as soon as he was released.

I was busy cleaning up the apartment since no one else was home when I heard a knock on the door.

I opened it and saw Jose.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as if it was the first time I've seen him.

"Hey babe did you miss me?" He asked.

I immediately hugged him and said "yes I did miss you so much like you don't even know!!"

He looked at me and smiled and then he looked down at my stomach and said " how's our little girl or boy?"

"Well" I began and walked over to my purse to get my pictures "it's a boy!" I held the pictures up and Jose smiled at me and grabbed them.

"A boy damn I'm having a son!" He said.

"Yeah a son!" I replied.

After we went to tacos Baja Ensenada on whittier blvd to celebrate.

"So you want to go to babies R US and get some baby clothes after we eat?" Asked Jose looking down at my tummy.

"Sure!" I said as I smiled and thought we are actually a family now!

We went to the store and picked out a few baby clothes for our new prince!

We get to my apartment and no one is home still so we took the stuff into my room.

He laid on my bed and I laid next to him.

We talked about our son and our future together.

"So have you picked out any names yet?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yes I like the name Adrian." I replied.

"Alright then Adrian it is babe." He said smiling and holding my hand.

His phone rings and he answers "hello?"

"Hey creeper heard you got out of jail homie?"

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's my homie jasper." He said in a low hush voice.

I never met any of Jose's homies but I think it's because he's been in jail for most of our relationship and who my brother is also.

" yo homie you need to come to the warehouse. The OGs have a mission for us." Said jasper.

"Yeah I'll slide through there in just a bit homie. Let me just leave my lady's house and I'll be on my way." Replied Jose as he got up and put on his L.A Dodgers hat and hanged up.

"Your leaving so soon?" I asked looking down.

"Yeah baby I have shit I need to take care of." He sat next to me, held my chin and said "I'll always be there for you babe." And he crashed his lips into mine.

"I just wish we could spend more time together since I'm pregnant and you just came out of jail." I said rubbing my pregnant belly.

"Babe you know if your brother catches us here he would flip! You know he doesn't like me." He said.

"Well he has to deal with it because your the father of my unborn child." I said with some major attitude.

Jose kissed me and walked out.

You can say things are finally getting better.

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