CHAPTER ONE - Fields and cats under porches

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Tomorrow marks two years.
Two years since my brother Cameron was taken away. Two years since I had last seen my mother alive. Two years since my sister Abigail ran off to be with some commune in Minnesota
I'm not really sure where they thought that would leave me. Alone, fighting for my life, struggling every day to keep myself fed, let alone warm, and sane... every single leaf that crumbles or falls sends shivers up my spine. Every time the wind blows I am forced to stay awake and keep watch. I'm not sure what a small one like me would do if one of.... Those things attacked. But I can usually fend for myself if outdoors and in the open. But if one were to reach its unimaginably gross and tentacle covered body to the cabin, I would have no way out. Everything would start to become one with the creature within seconds. See, the thing I've found out over the last year, is that everything it touches, becomes a part of it... in a way? It's like once it touches something, that thing is now able to tell the creature every movement of the prey it's hunting.
I know I sound crazy...
But in this world, I'm not sure it's very crazy sounding.
I'll start over, hi! I'm Tabitha shoemaker, I'm 23, and surviving what I can only assume is an alien invasion.
Much of what I am about to tell you won't make sense. But I promise I will pop back in here and there to catch you up to speed.

Love Tabz

AUGUST 16th 2029

"Get your cute ass over here"
Chase said as he quickly grabbed me up, all 110lbs of me, long red hair, heavy ass combat boots and all, spinning me around before dropping me softly in front of him and giving me the same, soft, beautiful kiss he gives me everyday. Like clockwork he is outside of the Factory at exactly 10:00pm nightly to take me home. He's the best guy I've ever dated, always leaving me smiling, caring for me when I'm sick, asking about my day and actually listening. He knows more about Susan Parker's that works in the office next to mine than anyone besides myself and miss Parker. He is invested. I have to chuckle as he opens the doors and with a cute wink ask about "our best friend" .
"As of last night Mr.tibblet has not came home,he is once again"
We both in unison say
"Under the porch"
We both burst into laughter!
"Babe, you should really tell her he's probably dead, he's been under there for how long"
Chase said with a sideways smile on his face.
"I truly don't think I could handle that" I paused, imagining the look of horror across her wrinkled face. Pure horror and sadness. She'll forget it the next day, but still, that horror is enough to knock a few more days off her life with how much she freaks out over that damn cat. Miss Parker is a great lady, upstanding citizen some would say. She's 63 but acts 23 and suffering heavily from a case of the "my entire family left me because I cheated on the preacher" That of course causes her a lot of struggles, but the town loves her, for the spectacle, the drunken mess she's became. It's sadly a show for the whole town. Her great granddaddy founded the town of that tells you anything.
"Don't get in your head now baby" he says laughing.
We roll out of the parking lot onto the main road. Heading towards my house, past the coal Shute, past the old clementine bar, and last we pass the good old Walmart.
After Walmart the street lights are few and far between, the roads are even further apart.
As we hit my road there is only one street light and right under it sits my mailbox, a cute little pig that my grandmother made back when she was still with us. We passed the pig, chase oinked and pinched my leg, we both look at each other for a moment before he looks back at the road, next thing I know he screams and his truck cuts sharply and out of nowhere we're flying off of the road into a patch of field with a large creek and a small orange shed close to the road that my grandad once raised cattle on.
My eyes stay closed until we come to a complete stop, I open them to Chase screaming and grabbing my hand.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what that was" he says as he looks around the truck back and forth.
"Something ran out in front of me, something big"he sounded scared.
I take a moment and look around, I saw nothing, I was day dreaming staring out the window as I usually do.
The panic finally sets in when he opens the door and hears a loud gargling sound, followed by a roar of sorts.
A wet and angry sounding roar.
He reaches behind his seat and grabs his gun. His dad always made him drive with it around town. It truly isn't the safest town.
"Stay here, do not move, do not leave the car" he says as he grabs my face, stares deep into my eyes and kisses me before getting out to investigate the scene"

"Please don't" I start....

Before I know what's happening chase is screaming, the car is smoking horribly and shaking non stop. I start to reach for the handle when chase slams open the driver door and starts screaming.

"RUN, RUN AND DONT LOOK BACK, RUN" he screams with blood covering his face. And just like that, he was gone. Something ripped him away, all that was left was his hand, severed and gushing blood that was hanging from the door handle.
I sat there in the middle of the field, only hearing the creek and a few birds still chirping. I paced myself, I'm a bad bitch, I'm a tough bitch I can do this, I can get out and run for the house. I know I can.
Before I gave myself a chance to chicken out I griped the door handle and flung it open, sloshing into the mud I took one look to my left and saw nothing, one look to my right and saw nothing. I'm in the clear, this will be a breeze.

I spoke too soon....


Woodland Critters Bite Too.


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