Offical Wedding Planner

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Blinking my eyes open I snuggled my head into the crook of Nik's neck feeling him running his fingers through my hair not breaking the comfortable silence that was in the bedroom at the moment. The girls were spending time at Cami's house since we didn't trust Freya being around them. "I don't think we have had this peaceful of a moment since the girls have been born."

"Three powerful miracle babies can be a handful that is for certain." I pointed out to him shifting my weight so that my head was now laying on his bare chest.

His fingers threaded themselves into my blonde hair twisting some of the strands in between them. He had learned long before I was turned that I liked it and it helped me fall asleep on the nights that I couldn't go to sleep. "Certainly are a handful. So what did you wish to do today while our children are under the watchful eye of my family therapist?"

"Absolutely nothing." I began tracing the tattoo on his shirt feeling his other hand sneak underneath the shirt I slept in last night.

He quickly pushed me onto my back where he was hovering above me smirking. The sunlight was coming through the window and brightening his natural dirty blonde hair. "I'm not sure about doing absolutely nothing. You see I know you have some ideas running through that head of yours."

"Ah...could you help remind me what you think is running through my head. I seem to have forgotten." I joked up at him with a cheeky smirk on my face.

"Gladly, I'll never refuse my queen. "Nik's smirk grew wider before he leaned down, capturing my lips with his gentle but hungry at the same time.

Moving my fingers up along his back my nails dug into his back deepening the kiss instantly. "Nik! I need you...please." I begged him when he laid his head against my heart bridge even though neither of us needed air.

"I am trying to take things slowly, Raelyn." He chuckled into my tea shirt when I smacked him on his forearm holding his face in my hands.

My eyes sent him a glare spotting at him with my sharp tongue knowing he was kidding but I wasn't in the mood. "Niklaus, we've given up on being slow in this relationship. We slept together and you got me pregnant. Now we're engaged. I don't think we know the definition of slow and to be honest...I say , hell to slow anymore."

"Tell me what you want, Rae Rae. Use your words and I'll do it." He said in his thick accent making my entire body shiver, feeling my face turn red at his words.

Grabbing a hold of his dog tag necklace I yanked his lips down onto mine vamping him onto his back catching him off guard for probably the first time. "If anyone else did that their head would be on the end of a spike!" He growled up at me with his hands behind his head smirking that devilish one.

"Yes, yes I know." I attempted to mimic his accent by throwing my hands up in the air. "I will hunt down everyone you know and everyone you love because I am the Hybrid - ah Klaus!"

I squealed like a schoolgirl when he moved his hands under my shirt tearing it down in half. He buried his face in the crook of my neck when I threw my head back hitting my sweat spot. "Raelyn you are a masterpiece all to myself." He flipped my back onto the mattress with his hybrid speed proudly grinning down at me.

"Incendia!" I waved my left hand up in the air lighting the candles on the table by the door that had some sage burning in a circle around it.

He tilted his head at me glancing over to the candles. "Have you been studying my mother's grimoires, sweetheart. If I recall, my mother only burnt sage for a specific reason."

"Yes and I have good reason to." I responded reaching down for his shorts until he grabbed my wrist with one hand, pinning both my hands above my head.

✅️ Gemini RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now