Parker/Lane Family Reunion

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Opening my eyes I slowly looked around recognizing the Portland house living room in front of me. Sitting upright on the couch I heard footsteps coming inside before I saw my brother. "Raelyn! Where are the girls?"

"I don't know." I blurted out slowly moving around the house walking up the stairs until we ended up in the living room. Everything was the same as I could remember from when we went looking for the Ascendant after my uncle died.

Jacob followed behind me in a panic. "If we created a new prison world they could be anywhere in the world. But why did we create this of all places and not New Orleans, or Mystic Falls, or our house even?"

"I have no idea, J. All I can think is this is where Gemini magic was the strongest. And that's what we are after." I glanced over my shoulder hearing footsteps coming down the hallway. Creating some fire in my hand ready to fight.

Jacob stepped closer to me before we saw the figure coming out of the shadows. "Raelyn. Jacob, is it really you two?"

"Oh my gosh, Jo...wait a second what's the last thing you remember." I gasped seeing the streak of dark black hair slowly walking towards us. She was wearing her wedding's dress and there was still a blood stain where Kai stabbed her.

She sniffed through tears looking around the room confused. "Uh you trying to feed me your blood. Um...morning sickness, mine and Ric's vows. My psychopathic twin brother with a very large knife."

"Daddy!" A girl's voice rang through the hallway and the front door shut loudly.

Jacob and I turned our heads seeing Andrea who jumped up into her father's waiting arms. "Oh there's my girl."

"Woah how long have I been dead?" Jo asked, eyeing me.

Running a hand through my hair I gulped nervously. "A few months. Uh Jo, this is my brother's daughter Andrea." Turning my head back towards the staircase hearing some loud footsteps coming.

"Mom, Lina and Missy are with uncle Joshua!" Hope holler took my hand and dragged me through the house until we ended up in the backyard. Before my eyes I sucked in a breath seeing my uncle standing in front of me again.

He was bent down a knee over Luke's passed out body. He rose to his feet with my other two girls rushing towards me. "Mommy!"

Dropping down on my knees I wrapped my arms around each of them, burying my face in their hair I sighed in relief. "Raelyn. Jacob, what have you done? What about Kai?" Uncle Joshua asked, stepping towards us.

"We created another prison for a short time. Because against my better judgment we need your help." Raising myself up to my feet I dusted my hands off my pants.

Someone came through the tree line where I spun around on my feet recognizing another familiar face. "Liv. Thank goodness you're here."

"Hey Rae Rae. J, you're here too." She embraced us in hugs even though she hated them honestly. "Not to be rude. But how and why are we here?"

Suddenly we all turned our heads seeing Luke gaps awake shifting his gaze around frantically. "What the hell. Did Kai all trap us in our own prison world after I merged with him."

"Unfortunately no. Yet Rae has some explaining to do." Jo said, picking up the ends of her wedding dress until she was standing in front of our group.

Joshua moved around his son and got in my face grabbing my shoulders harshly in his grip. "You better start explaining what you did or-"

"Or you'll what! You're dead, uncle. And you are only here with your kids because of me and my brother. So shut the hell up about trying to threaten me!" I raised my voice, getting in his face pushing my hands against his chest.

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