《Chapter 6》

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After developing friendships with nearly every child in that room over the course of a few days, the group of five boys has grown even more.

Tina was introduced by Karl, while Alex introduced Wil, also known as Wilbur and his younger brother, Tommy, who had just been the obnoxious child.

They got to know Zak, Darryl, Grayson, and Luke. Then came Toby, with whom he became close to Tommy.

Later, Clay and Floris crossed paths.

George was conscious of the fact that they were still a group, and when Floris came up to Dream before him, he cast him a menacing glance.

But he paid great attention to how his face suddenly converted when he addressed Clay directly.

Floris was quite amiable and... touchy.

He grasped Clay's hand and said, "It's nice to meet you, Clay!"

Clay was the one who attempted to break their handshake first, and Floris allowed him to do so after unexpectedly connecting him in a hug that went much longer than George had anticipated.

After that, everyone started talking once more, and George felt left out.
A person immediately entered the room. George observed that the person who Clay had previously met was now a different one.

A man in his mid-thirties with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was dressed in a white coat with a name tag attached to the lapel.


He was only there to provide everyone with their daily snacks and bottles of water, which he then left on the tables before exiting the room.

The man occasionally struck up conversation with them, but this time he remained silent.

Tommy asked Wilbur to give him his snack, and he did.

George saw Clay happily talking with Floris as they were all left alone there and having an ideal time.

Before even meeting Clay, George made the decision to simply withdraw from everyone and carry on with his lonesome activities. If he was with Floris, the gaze he gave him also made it impossible for him to bear to approach.

It continued this way for a few weeks before George finally mustered the confidence to speak with them once more.

Floris was directing himself in silence by one of the tables when he noticed Clay playing by himself on the floor.

George made up his mind to approach Clay once more and interest him in a decent conversation.

He questioned curiously, "What are you doing?"

Clay looked up and replied, "Hm?" George was seated across from him. "I'm playing with my plushie,"

Clay beamed and proudly displayed the blob in his hands to him. He even allowed George to play with it, which made them both giggle.

Evidently, Floris did not enjoy the current scene in front of him.

Prior to standing up and approaching them, he snapped the crayon he was holding.

Before Floris interrupted and entered their talk, Clay stated, taking his backpack with him, "My mom also gave me this because-"

In order to gain enough room, he purposefully moved closer to Clay and sat down on the floor alongside him, almost shoving George aside.

"Hi George," Floris feigned a grin when speaking to him, but when it came to Clay, he was different.

He greeted him, "Hello Clay, nice talking to you again," and then indicated innocently, "I wanted to talk to George for a moment, just us, is that okay?"

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